Книга Битва за скорость. Великая война авиамоторов - Валерий Августинович
54. Якубович Н. МиГ-15. Г роза летающих крепостей. — М.: Эксмо, 2009.
55. 1941 год: В 2 кн./Сост. Л. E. Решин и др. Под ред. В. П. Наумова — М.: Междунар. Фонд «Демократия», 1998 — («Россия XX век. Документы»)
56. Aircraft Engines of The World 1944. — Ed. by Paul Wilkinson, New York, 1944.
57. Aircraft Engines of The World 1948. — Ed. by Paul Wilkinson, New York, 1948.
58. Aircraft Engines of The World 1962/63. — Ed. by Paul Wilkinson, New York, 1963
59. Aircraft Engines of The World 1964/65. — Ed. by Paul Wilkinson, New York, 1965.
60. Aircraft Engines of The World 1966/67. — Ed. by Paul Wilkinson, New York, 1967.
61. Aircraft Engines of The World 1970. — Ed. by Paul Wilkinson, New York, 1971.
62. Ash R. L., Miley S. J. Landman D. Propeller Performance of Wright Brother’s — Bent End» Propellers/ Proc. 36th Joint Propulsion Conference, AIAA2000-3152, Huntsville, Alabama, 2000.
63. Astbridge B. L. History Of Air-Breathing Engines — The Development Of British In-line Piston Engines/ Proc. 16th ISABE, #2003–1015, Cleveland, 2003.
64. Bradbrook S. J. Gas Turbine Technologies for Unmanned Air Vehicles/ Proc. 18th ISABE, #2007–1127, Beijing, 2007.
65. Cikanek H., Bartolotta P., Klem М., Rausch V. NASA Hypersonic Propulsion — Overview of Progress From 1995 to 2005/ Proc. 18th ISABE, #2007–1208, Beijing. 2007.
66. Conner M. Sir Frank Whittle and Dr. Hans von Ohain. Two Men Who Changed Everything/ Proc. 16th ISABE, #2003–1016, Cleveland, 2003.
67. Cyrus B., Meher-Homji P. E., Prisel E. Dr. Max Bentele — Pioneer Of The Jet Age/ Proc. ASME Turbo-Expo, Atlanta, 2003.
68. Dawson P. Educational Influences on Whittle and Von Ohain on The Development of The First Jet Engines/ Proc. of 36th Joint Propulsion Conference, AIAA 2000–3153, Huntsville, Alabama, 2000.
69. Deroumeau J. L. More Electric Architectures and the Impact On Propulsion Systems/ Proc. 17,h ISABE, #2005–1161, Munich, 2005.
70. Falempin F., Serre L French R&T Effort for High-Speed Airbreathmg Propulsion — Status in 2009/ Proc. 19th ISABE, #2009–1352, Montreal, 2009.
71. Hauvette J. Power For The Pioneers Early Pistons Engines/ Proc. 16th ISABE, #2003–1011, Cleveland, 2003.
72. ItaharaH., Nakata Y.,Kimura T.,TakagiS.,KishiK.,Cabe J. L.,YanagiR.. and Morita M. Research and Development of HYPR90-T Variable Cycle Turbo Engine for HST/ Proc. 13th ISABE, 97-7013, Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA, 1997.
73. Jane’s Aero-Engines. Issue Twenty-six September 2009. — Mark Daly, Jane’s Information Groupe Ltd, Coulsdon, Surrey, UK.
74. Jane’s. All the World’s Aircraft 2007–2008 — Jane’s Information Groupe Ltd, Coulsdon, Surrey, UK.
75. JT9D. Service Information Report, #36, February 2001.
76. Jensen D. T. Allison: Aircraft Engine Pioneer/ Proc. 16th ISABE, #2003–1014, Cleveland, 2003.
77. Kinney J. R. Frank W. Caldwell and The Development of The Variable-Pitch Propellers, 1918–1938/ Proc. 36th Joint Propulsion Conference, AIAA2000-3151, Huntsville, Alabama, 2000.
78. Matsuki М., Endo M. History Of Aircraft Engines In Japan/ Proc. 16th ISABE, #2003–1013, Cleveland, 2003.
79. Orth R. C., Smith H., Foreman K. A Look At The History Of US Aircraft Piston Engines/Proc. 16th ISABE, #2003–1012, Cleveland, 2003.
80 Piton D., Yvart P., Sesse L. Liquid Fuelled Pulse Detonation Engines for Long-Range UAV’s /Proc. 36th Joint Propulsion Conference, AIAA-2000-3314, Huntsville, Alabama, 2000.
81. Sullivan M Dependable engines: the history of Pratt & Whittney — Library of Flight, ed. Ned Allen, 2008.
82. Steelant J. LAPCAT: A Technical Feasibility Study on Sustained Hypersonic Flight/Proc. 18th ISABE, #2007–1205, Beijing, 2007.
83. The New 1000 H. P. Wright Cyclone. — Wright Aeronautical Corporation, Paterson, New Jersey, 1936.
Научно-популярное издание ВОЙНА И МЫ. АВИАКОНСТРУКТОРЫ
Августинович Валерий Георгиевич
Ответственный редактор С. Кузнецов
Художественный редактор П. Волков
Технический редактор В. Кулагина
Компьютерная верстка В. Фирстов
Корректор Н. Струэнзе