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Рождение религии. Интервью с Томом Холландом: New Statesman 3 April 2012.

О кругах на полях: телевизионная программа Equinox: The Strange Case of Crop Circles (chanel 4, UK 1991).

О роли ЦРУ и Ватикана: Silva, Freddy 2013. Secrets in the Fields. Invisible Temple.

О желании верить: Steiner, George 1997. Nostalgia for the Absolute (CBC Massey Lecture). House of Anansi.

О голубях: Skinner, B.F. 1947 «Superstition» in the Pigeon. Journal of Experimental Psychology 38: 168–172.

О псевдонауке: Popper, K. 1963. Conjectures and Refutations. Routledge & Keegan Paul (на русском языке: Поппер К. Предположения и опровержения. М.: АСТ, 2008); Shermer, Michael 2012. The Believing Brain: From Ghosts and Gods to Politics and Conspiracies – How We Construct Beliefs and Reinforce Them as Truths. St Martin’s Griffin.

О витализме: Crick, Francis 1966. Of Molecules and Men. University of Washington Press.

О биодинамическом сельском хозяйстве: Chalker-Scott, Linda 2004. The myth of biodynamic agriculture.

О климате: Curry, Judith 2013. CO2 «control knob» 20 September 2013.

О CO2 и ледниковых периодах: Petit, J.R. et al. 1999. Climate and atmospheric history of the past 420,000 years from the Vostok ice core, Antarctica. Nature 399: 429–436; Eschenbach, Willis 2012. Shakun Redux: Master tricksed us! I told you he was tricksy! 7 April 2012; Goklany, I. 2011. Could biofuel policies increase death and disease in developing countries? Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons 16: 9–13; Bell, Larry. Climate Change as Religion: The Gospel According to Gore. Forbes 26 April 2011; Lilley, Peter 2013. Global Warming as a 21st Century Religion. Huffington Post 21 August 2013; Bruckner, Pascal 2013. Against environmental panic. Chronicle Review 27 June 2013; Bruckner, Pascal 2013. The Fanaticism of the Apocalypse: Save the Earth, Punish Human Beings. Polity Press; Lawson, Nigel 2014. The Trouble With Climate Change. Global Warming Policy Foundation.

О наводнениях: O’Neill, Brendan 2014. The eco-hysteria of blaming mankind for the floods. Spiked 20 February 2014.

О погоде: Pfister, Christian, Brazdil, Rudolf and Glaser, Rudiger 1999. Climatic Variability in Sixteenth-Century Europe and its Social Dimension: A Synthesis. Springer.

О природных катастрофах, приводящих к гибели людей: Goklany, I. 2009. Deaths and Death Rates from Extreme Weather Events: 1900–2008. Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons 14: 102–109.

Глава 15. Эволюция денег

О бирмингемских токенах: Selgin, George 2008. Good Money. University of Michigan Press.

О центральных банках: Ahamed, Liaquat 2009. Lords of Finance. Windmill Books; Norberg, Johan 2009. Financial Fiasco. Cato Institute; Selgin, George 2014. William Jennings Bryan and the Founding of the Fed. 20 April 2014; Taleb, N.N. 2012. Antifragile. Random House.

О привязке к долларам: Allister Heath. The Scottish nationalists aren’t credible on keeping sterling. City AM 14 February 2014.

О регуляции: Gilder, George 2013. Knowledge and Power. Regnery.

О Фанни и Фредди: Stockman, David A. 2013. The Great Deformation. PublicAffairs; Woods, Thomas E. Jr. 2009. Meltdown. Regnery; Kurtz, Stanley 2010. Radical in Chief. Threshold Editions; Krugman, Paul 2008. Fannie, Freddie and you. New York Times 14 July 2008.

О финансовых кризисах: Norberg, Johan 2009. Financial Fiasco. Cato Institute; Atlas, John 2010. Seeds of Change. Vanderbilt University Press; Allison, John A. 2013. The Financial Crisis and the Free Market Cure. McGraw-Hill; Friedman, Jeffrey (ed.) 2010. What Caused the Financial Crisis. University of Pennsylvania Press; Wallison, Peter 2011. The true story of the financial crisis. American Spectator, May 2011; Booth, Philip (ed.) 2009. Verdict on the Crash. IEA.

Об эффекте Кантильона: Frisby, Dominic 2013. Life After the State. Unbound.

О мобильных деньгах: Why does Kenya lead the world in mobile money? 27 мая 2013.

О Федеральном резервном банке: Selgin, G., Lastrapes, W.D. and White, L.H. 2010. Has the Fed been a Failure? Cato Working Paper,; Hsieh, Chang-Tai and Romer, Christina D. 2006. Was the Federal Reserve Constrained by the Gold Standard During the Great Depression? Evidence from the 1932 Open Market Purchase Program. Journal of Economic History 66(1) (March): 140–176; Selgin, George 2014. William Jennings Bryan and the Founding of the Fed. 20 April 2014.

Глава 16. Эволюция Интернета

Цитаты из Хайека: Hayek, F. 1978. The Constitution of Liberty. University of Chicago Press.

О телевизорах и телефонах в Восточной Германии: Kupferberg, Feiwel 2002. The Rise and Fall of the German Democratic Republic. Transaction Publishers.

О системе Arpanet: Crovitz, Gordon 2012. Who really invented the internet? Wall Street Journal 22 July 2012.

О децентрализованных сетях: Johnson, Steven 2012. Future Perfect. Penguin.

О балканизации сети: Sparkes, Matthew 2014. The Coming Digital Anarchy. Daily Telegraph 9 June 2014.

О редактировании «Википедии»: Scott, Nigel 2014. Wikipedia: where truth dies online. Spiked 29 April 2014; Filipachi, Amanda 2013. Sexism on Wikipedia is Not the Work of «a Single Misguided Editor». The Atlantic 13 April 2013; Solomon, Lawrence 2009. Wikipedia’s climate doctor.; «Википедия» и пропаганда глобального потепления:

О санкционировании инноваций: Cerf, Vinton 2012. Keep the Internet Open. New York Times 23 May 2012; Thierer, A. 2014. Permissionless Innovation: The Continuing Case for Comprehensive Technological Freedom. Mercatus Center, George Mason University.

О МСЭ: Blue, Violet 2013. FCC to Congress: U.N.’s ITU Internet plans «must be stopped». 5 February 2013.

О цензуре: MacKinnon, Rebecca 2012. Consent of the Networked. Basic Books.

О блокчейнах: Frisby, Dominic 2014. Bitcoin: The Future of Money? Unbound.

Цитата из Ника Сабо:

О системе Ethereum: A Next-Generation Smart Contract and Decentralized Application Platform.

О частных деньгах: Dowd, K. 2014. New Private Monies. IEA.

Об умных контрактах: De Filippi, P. 2014. Ethereum: freenet or skynet? 14 April 2014.

О политике в цифровую эпоху: Carswell, Douglas 2014. iDemocracy will change Westminster for the Better. 20 April 2014; Carswell, Douglas 2012. The End of Politics and the Birth of iDemocracy. Biteback; Mair, Peter 2013. Ruling the Void. Verso.

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