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Книга Нации и этничность в гуманитарных науках. Этнические, протонациональные и национальные нарративы. Формирование и репрезентация - С. Федоров

Читать книгу Нации и этничность в гуманитарных науках. Этнические, протонациональные и национальные нарративы. Формирование и репрезентация - С. Федоров полностью.






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The author draws attention to the reasons for creating and popularizing the myths of German inheritance of the Holy Roman Empire of Charlemagne (translatio imperii), T acitus’s myth about ‘Germania’, myth about Luther as a creator of German national mind, myth about Frederich the Great and Hohenzollerns, myth about Prussia as a savior of German people and German nation-state. One has to consider German nationalism and its constructivism in terms of the concept of nation as a social-political and cultural construct. It is also worth

mentioning that debates over the specific path of state-political development of Germany and ‘belated nation’, which was behind Western Europe (Enfland and France), in terms of creating the nation state which, therefore, was supposed to surpass them, acquire additional meaning as long as conservative and liberal tendencies in the research of the issue of the formation of German nation and the role of myths in this process prevail.

The consequences of German defeat in the World War II led to reconsideration and re-evaluation of prevailing tenets of Minor German historiography in German historiography of the second half of the XIX century – first half of the XX century. According to these tenets, Holy Roman Empire was treated negatively as an obstacle on the way of creating German national state in the form of nation-state, and Prussia had an apologetic role as a saviour. It is evident that Germany and German nationalism had historical and cultural roots but, according to conventional viewpoint, there was no German nationalism prior to the era of modernization.

Keywords: nation; nationalism; myth; Holy Roman Empire; Germany; early Modern time.


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1. Aretin Karl Otmar von. “The Old Reich: A Federation or Hierarchical Sys-tem?”, in The Holy Roman Empire 1495–1806, ed. Robert John Weston Evans, Mi-chael Schaich, Peter H. Wilson. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. P. 27–42.

2. Babel Rainer. Deutschland und Frankreich in Zeichen der hahshurgischen Univer-salmonarchie 1500–1648. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2005. 256 S.

3. Burgdorf Wolfgang. Ein Welthild verliert seine Welt. Der Untergang des Alten Reiches und die Generation 1806. Munchen: Oldenbourg, 2006. 390 p.

4. Dann Otto. “Der deutsche Weg zum Nationalstaat im Lichte des Foderalismus-Problem”, in Zentralismus und Fóderalismus im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, hrsg. Oli-verjanz, Pierangelo Schiera, Hannes Siegrist. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2000. S. 51–68.

5. Dann Otto und Hroch Miroslav. “Einleitung”, in Patriotismus und Nationshildung am Ende des Heiligen Romischen Reiches, hrsg. Otto Dann, Miroslav Hroch und Johannes Koll. Koln: SH-Verlag, 2003. S. 9-18.

6. Demel Walter. Europáische Geschichte des 18. Jahrhunderts. Stándische Gesell-schaft und europáische Mdchtesystem in beschleunigten Wandel. (1689/17001789/1800). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2000. 300 p.

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