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Donath, Emma Belle. Asteroids in the Birth Chart. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 1987.

–. Asteroids in Synastry. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 1978, 2009.

George, Demetra. Asteroid Goddesses. Berwick, ME: Ibis Press, 2003.

Guttman, Ariel, and Kenneth Johnson. Mythic Astrology. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 1993.

–. Mythic Astrology Applied. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2004.


Brahy, Gustave-Lambert. Confidential Recollections Revealed. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 2006. (Autobiography of Belgian astrologer Gustave-Lambert Brahy, 1930s and 1940s.)

Christino, Karen. Foreseeing the Future: Evangeline Adams and Astrology in America. Amherst, MA: One Reed Publications, 2002.

Календари и ежегодники

Llewellyn’s Astrological Calendar. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications.

Llewellyn’s Daily Planetary Guide. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications.

Llewellyn’s Moon Sign Book. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications.

Llewellyn’s Sun Sign Book. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications.

Maynard, Jim. Jim Maynard’s Astrologer’s Datebook. Ashland, OR: Quicksilver Productions.


Clow, Barbara Hand. Chiron: Rainbow Bridge Between the Inner and Outer Planets. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2004.

Lass, Martin. Chiron. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2005.

Reinhart, Melanie. Chiron and the Healing Journey. London: Starwalker Press, 2009.


Ebertin, Reinhold. Applied Cosmobiology. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 2006.

–. Contact Cosmogram. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 2011.

–. Directions: Co-Determinants of Fate. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 2011.

–. Man and the Universe: An Introduction to Cosmobiology. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 2011.

–. The Annual Diagram: Forecasting Using 45-Degree Graphic Ephemeris. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 2010.

–. The Combination of Stellar Influences. Aalen, Germany: Ebertin-Verlag, 1940; Tempe, AZ: AFA, 1994, 2004.

–. Transits. Aalen, Germany: Ebertin-Verlag, 1928; Tempe, AZ: AFA, 2001.

Kimmel, Eleonora. Altered and Unfinished Lives. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 2006.

–. Cosmobiology for the 21st Century. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 1979.

–. Fundamentals of Cosmobiology. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 1979.

Simms, Maria Kay. Dial Detective. Kensington, NH: Cosmic Muse Publications, 2001.

Градусы зодиака

Bovee, Blaine. Sabian Symbols and Astrological Analysis. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2004.

Carelli, Adriano. The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 1977, 2004.

Charubel. The Degrees of the Zodiac Symbolized. Bel Air, MD: Astrology Classics, 2004.

Henson, Donna. Degrees of the Zodiac. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 1981, 2004.

Jones, Marc Edmund. Sabian Symbols in Astrology. Santa Fe, NM: Aurora Press, 1993.

Kozminsky, Isidore. Zodiacal Symbology. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 1980.


Lineman, Rose. Eclipses: Astrological Guideposts. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 1984, 2004.

–. Eclipse Interpretation Manual. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 1986, 2004.

–. Your Prenatal Eclipse. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 1992, 2003.

Meridian, Bill. The Predictive Power of Eclipse Paths. New York, NY: Cycles Research Publications, 2010.

Teal, Celeste. Eclipses. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2006.

Элективная астрология

Hampar, Joann. Electional Astrology. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2005.

Robson, Vivian. Electional Astrology. Bel Air, MD: Astrology Classics, 2005.


The American Heliocentric Ephemeris, 2001–2050. Exeter, NH: Starcrafts Publishing, 2007.

The American Sidereal Ephemeris, 2001–2050. Exeter, NH: Starcrafts Publishing, 2007.

The New American Midpoint Ephemeris, 2001–2020. Exeter, NH: Starcrafts Publishing, 2007.

The Uranian Transneptunian Ephemeris, 1900–2050. Exeter, NH: Starcrafts Publishing, 2007.

The Lilith Ephemeris, 2000–2050. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 2011.

Astro America’s Daily Ephemeris, 2000–2010. Bel Air, MD: Astrology Classics, 2006.

Astro America’s Daily Ephemeris, 2010–2020. Bel Air, MD: Astrology Classics, 2006.

Astro America’s Daily Ephemeris, 2000–2020. Bel Air, MD: Astrology Classics, 2006.

Astrolabe World Ephemeris, 2001–2050. Atglen, PA: Whitford Press, 1998.

The New American Ephemeris, 2007–2020, with Longitude, Latitude and Declinations. Exeter, NH: Starcrafts Publishing, 2007.

The New American Ephemeris for the 20th Century, 1900–2000 at Noon. Exeter, NH: Starcrafts Publishing, 2009.

The New American Ephemeris for the 21st Century, 2000–2100 at Midnight. Exeter, NH: Starcrafts Publishing, 2006.

The New American Ephemeris for the 21st Century, 2000–2050 at Midnight. Exeter, NH: Starcrafts Publishing, 2010.

The New American Ephemeris for the 21st Century, 2000–2050 at Noon. Exeter, NH: Starcrafts Publishing, 2010.

The Asteroid Ephemeris, 1900–2050. Exeter, NH: Starcrafts Publishing, 2008.

Raphael’s Ephemeris. (Single year.) Slough, England: W. Foulsham & Co. Rosicrucian Ephemeris. (Single year, decade, century.)

Oceanside, CA: Rosicrucian Fellowship. Tables of Planetary Phenomena. Second edition. San Diego, CA: ACS, 1995.

Финансовая астрология

Gillen, Jack. The Key to Speculation on the New York Stock Exchange. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 2009.

McWhirter, Louise. The McWhirter Theory of Stock Market Forecasting. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 2008.

Meridian, Bill. Planetary Economic Forecasting. New York: Cycles Research, 2002.

–. Planetary Stock Trading III. New York: Cycles Research, 2002.

Williams, David. Financial Astrology. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 1984, 2003.

Неподвижные звезды

Brady, Bernadette. Brady’s Book of Fixed Stars. York Beach, ME: Red Wheel/Weiser, 1998.

–. Star and Planet Combinations. Bournemouth, England: The Wessex Astrologer, 2008.

Ebertin, Reinhold. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation. Aalen, Germany: Ebertin-Verlag, 1971; Tempe, AZ: AFA, 2001.

Noonan, George. Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology. Tempe, AZ: AFA, 2009.

Robson, Vivian. The Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology. New York: Samuel Weiser, 1969; Bel Air, MD: Astrology Classics, 2004.

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