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Книга Империя депрессии. Глобальная история разрушительной болезни - Джонатан Садовски

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Brian Mustanski, Rebecca Andrews, and Jae Puckett, The Effects of Cumulative Victimization on Mental Health among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Adolescents and Young Adults, American Journal of Public Health 106, 3 (March 2016), 527–33.


Sutter and Perrin, Discrimination, Mental Health, and Suicidal Ideation Among LGBT People of Color, 98.


Dianne L. Kerr, Laura Santurri, and Patricia Peters, A Comparison of Lesbian, Bisexual, and Heterosexual College Undergraduate Women on Selected Mental Health Issues, Journal of American College Health 61, 4 (2013) 185–94; Meg John Barker, Depression and/or Oppression? Bisexuality and Mental Health, Journal of Bisexuality 15 (2015) 369–84.


Sutter and Perrin, Discrimination, Mental Health, and Suicidal Ideation Among LGBT People of Color, 102.


Simon Denny, Mathijs F. G. Lucassen, Jaimee Stuart et al., The Association between Supportive High School Environments and Depressive Symptoms and Suicidality Among Sexual Minority Students, Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology 45, 3 (2016) 248–61.


Carmen H. Logie, Ashley Lacombe-Duncan, Tonia Poteat, and Anne C. Wagner, Syndemic Factors Mediate the Relationship between Sexual Stigma and Depression among Sexual Minority Women and Gender Minorities), Women’s Health Issues 217, 5 (2017) 592–9.


M. Yadegarfard, Mallika E. Meinhold-Bergmann, and Robert Ho, Family Rejection, Social Isolation, and Loneliness as Predictors of Negative Health Outcomes (Depression, Suicidal Ideation, and Sexual Risk Behavior among Thai Male-to-Female Transgender Adolescents, Journal of LGBT Youth 11, 4 (2014) 347–63.


Tyler Hatchel, Alberto Valido, Kris T. De Pedro, Yuanhong Huang, and Dorothy L. Espelage, Minority Stress among Transgender Adolescents: The Role of Peer Victimization, School Belonging, and Ethnicity, Journal of Child and Family Studies 28 (2019) 2467–71.


Charles P. Hoy Ellis, and Karen I., Fredriksen Goldsen, Depression among Transgender Older Adults: General and Minority Stress, American Journal of Community Psychology 59, 3–4 (2017) 295–305.


Tiziana Leone, Ernestina Coast, Shilpa Narayanan, and Ama de Graft Aikins, Diabetes and Depression Comorbidity and Socioeconomic Status in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs): A Mapping of the Evidence, Globalization and Health 8, 39 (2012) 1–10; Emily Mendenhall, Syndemic Suffering: Social Distress, Depression, and Diabetes among Mexican Immigrant Women (London: Routledge, 2012); David W. Kissane, Mario Maj, and Norman Sartorius, eds., Depression and Cancer (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011); Alexander Glassman, Mario Maj, and Norman Sartorius, eds., Depression and Heart Disease (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011).


Leone et al. Diabetes and Depression Comorbidity and Socioeconomic Status in Low and Middle Income Countries, 1.


Leone et al. Diabetes and Depression Comorbidity and Socioeconomic Status in Low and Middle Income Countries, 6–8.


Marco Piccinelli and Greg Wilkinson, Gender Differences in Depression, British Journal of Psychiatry 177 (2000) 486–92. Пичинелли и Уилкинсон поддерживают гипотезу о том, что гендерное неравенство проистекает из-за неблагоприятных факторов (отчасти потому, что доказательства других возможных объяснений представляются им еще менее состоятельными).


Это было установлено исследованиями, начатыми как минимум в 1970-е годы; более современные источники: Elliott, Gender Differences in the Determinants of Distress. «Защитный эффект» брака для мужчин в различных культурах варьируется, смотрите: Almeida-Filho et al., Social Inequality and Depressive Disorders in Bahia, Brazil, 1350.


Jenkins et al., Cross-cultural Studies of Depression, 79.


S. Seedat et al., Cross-National Associations between Gender and Mental Disorders in the WHO World Mental Health Surveys.


Elliott, Gender Differences in the Determinants of Distress.


Carol Emslie, Damien Ridge, Sue Ziebland, and Kate Hunt, Men’s Accounts of Depression: Reconstructing or Resisting Hegemonic Masculinity? Social Science & Medicine 62 (2006), 246–57.


Smith, Mouzon, and Elliott, Reviewing the Assumptions about Men’s Mental Health.


Ann Cvetkovich, Depression: A Public Feeling (Durham: Duke University Press, 2012).


O’Nell, Disciplined Hearts.


Включая влиятельного Карла Меннингера. Hannah S. Decker, The Making of DSM-III: A Diagnostic Manual’s Conquest of American Psychiatry (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013).


Harrington, Mind Fixers, 43.


Allen Frances, Saving Normal: An Insider’s Revolt Against Out-of-Control Psychiatric Diagnosis, DSM-V, Big Pharma, and the Medicalization of Ordinary Life (New York: William Morrow, 2013), 61–2.


Harrington, Mind Fixers, 127.


D. L. Rosenhan, On Being Sane in Insane Places), Science 179, 70 (January 1973), 250–8.


Susannah Cahalan, The Great Pretender: The Undercover Mission That Changed Our Understanding of Madness (New York: Grand Central Publishing, 2019); Alison Abbott, On the Troubling Trail of Psychiatry’s Pseudopatients Stunt, Nature, October 29, 2019.


Mark Ruffalo, The Rosenhan Study Never Proved Anything Anyway,, accessed March 6, 2020.


Decker, The Making of DSM-III, 91–2. Маргинальные идеи Райха включали и самую печально известную идею «оргона», сексуальной жизненной силы. Вероятно, эти идеи являлись симптомами ухудшения его собственного психического здоровья по мере того, как он все глубже погружался в психоз. Спитцер проверил идеи Райха и установил, что никакого оргона не существует.


Greenberg, The Book of Woe; Kutchins and Kirk, Making Us Crazy.


Farhad Dalal, CBT: The Cognitive Behavioural Tsunami (London: Routledge, 2018), 54; Frances, Saving Normal, 64; Greenberg, The Book of Woe, 44–5.



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