Книга Эффект негативности. Как способность замечать плохое трансформирует нашу реальность - Джон Терни
190 психологи Ричард Тедески и Лоуренс Калхоун: R. G. Tedeschi and L. G. Calhoun, «The Posttraumatic Growth Inventory: Measuring the Positive Legacy of Trauma,» Journal of Traumatic Stress 9 (1996): 455–71, and R. G. Tedeschi and L. G. Calhoun, «Posttraumatic Growth: Conceptual Foundations and Empirical Evidence,» Psychological Inquiry 15 (2004): 1–18.
191 «уклон исчезающего аффекта»: J. J. Skowronski, W. R. Walker, D. X. Henderson, and G. D. Bond, «The Fading Affect Bias: Its History, Its Implications, and Its Future,» Advances in Experimental Social Psychology 49 (2014): 163–218.
192 Плохие воспоминания: J. D. Green, C. Sedikides, and A. P. Gregg, «Forgotten but Not Gone: The Recall and Recognition of Self-Threatening Memories,» Journal of Experimental and Social Psychology 44 (2008): 547–61, and J. D. Green, B. Pinter, and C. Sedikides, «Mnemic Neglect and Self-Threat: Trait Modifiability Moderates Self-Protection,» European Journal of Social Psychology 35 (2005): 225–35.
192 игроки делали свои ставки: T. Gilovich, «Biased Evaluation and Persistence in Gambling,» Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 44 (1983): 1110–26.
194 Этот «эффект позитивности»: M. Mather and L. L. Carstensen, «Aging and Motivated Cognition: The Positivity Effect in Attention and Memory,» Trends in Cognitive Sciences 9 (2005): 496–502, and A. E. Reed and L. L. Carstensen, «The Theory Behind the Age-Related Positivity Effect,» Frontiers in Psychology 3 (2012): 339.
194 эксперимент в Германии: S. Brassen, M. Gamer, J. Peters, S. Gluth, and C. Büchel, «Don’t Look Back in Anger! Responsiveness to Missed Chances in Successful and Nonsuccessful Aging,» Science 336 (2012): 612–14.
195 кривая счастья U: D. G. Blanchflower and A. J. Oswald, «Is Well-Being U-shaped over the Life Cycle?» Social Science & Medicine 66 (2008): 1733–49; C. Graham and J. R. Pozuelo, «Happiness, Stress, and Age: How the U Curve Varies Across People and Places,» Journal of Population Economics 30 (2017): 225–64; and J. Rauch, The Happiness Curve (New York: Thomas Dunne, 2018).
196 принимать антидепрессанты. Пик приема: D. G. Blanchflower and A. J. Oswald, «Antidepressants and Age: A New Form of Evidence for U-shaped Well-Being Through Life,» Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 127 (2016): 46–58.
196 шимпанзе и орангутаны: A. Weiss, J. E. King, M. Inoue-Murayama, T. Matsuzawa, and A. J. Oswald, «Evidence for a Midlife Crisis in Great Apes Consistent with the U-shape in Human Well-Being,» Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (2012): 19949–52.
196 с более сильной иммунной системой: E. K. Kalokerinos, W. von Hippel, J. D. Henry, and R. Trivers, «The Aging Positivity Effect and Immune Functions: Positivity in Recall Predicts Higher CD4 Counts and Lower CD4 Activation,» Psychology and Aging 29 (2014): 636–41.
197 эффект позитивности снижается: L. L. Carstensen and M. DeLiema, «The Positivity Effect: A Negativity Bias in Youth Fades with Age,» Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 19 (2018): 7–12, and S. Kalenzaga, V. Lamidey, A. M. Ergis, D. Clarys, and P. Piolino, «The Positivity Bias in Aging: Motivation or Degradation?» Emotion 16 (2016): 602–10.
197 В возрасте: Этот раздел основан на интервью с Константином Седикидесом, Тимом Вайлдшатом, Эрикой Хеппер, Вин Э Чуэн (Wing Yee Cheung) и Клэем Рутледжом. Для обзора исследований ностальгии см. C. Sedikides and T. Wildschut, «Finding Meaning in Nostalgia,» Review of General Psychology 22 (2018): 48–61; C. Sedikides, T. Wildschut, J. Arndt, and C. Routledge, «Nostalgia: Past, Present, and Future,» Current Directions in Psychological Science 17 (2008): 304–7; and J. Tierney, «What Is Nostalgia Good For? Quite a Bit, Research Shows,» New York Times, July 8, 2013.
198 швейцарская медицинская диссертация: J. Hofer, «Medical Dissertation on Nostalgia,» trans. C. K. Anspach, Bulletin of the Institute of the History of Medicine 2 (1934): 376–91, https://www.jstor.org/stable/44437799. (Original work published in 1688.)
198 альпийскую фермерскую песню: I. Cieraad, «Bringing Nostalgia Home: Switzerland and the Swiss Chalet,» Architecture and Culture 6 (2018): 265–88, doi: 10.1080/20507828.2018.1477672.
198 в других странах: J. Beck, «When Nostalgia Was a Disease,» Atlantic, August 14, 2013, https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2013/08/when-nostalgia-was-a-disease/278648/.
199 в холодные дни: W. A. P. Van Tilburg, C. Sedikides, and T. Wildschut, «Adverse Weather Evokes Nostalgia,» Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 44 (2018): 984–95, doi:10.1177/0146167218756030.
199 помогает им согреться: X. Zhou, T. Wildschut, C. Sedikides, X. Chen, and A. J. Vingerhoets, «Heartwarming Memories: Nostalgia Maintains Physiological Comfort,» Emotion 12 (2012): 678–84.
199 происходит что-то плохое: C. Routledge, J. Arndt, C. Sedikides, and T. Wildschut, «A Blast from the Past: The Terror Management Function of Nostalgia,» Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 44 (2008): 132–40.
199 справиться с одиночеством: X. Zhou, C. Sedikides, T. Wildschut, and D. G. Gao, «Counteracting Loneliness: On the Restorative Function of Nostalgia,» Psychological Science 19 (2008): 1023–29.
199 стремиться к целям: C. Sedikides et al., «Nostalgia Motivates Pursuit of Important Goals by Increasing Meaning in Life,» European Journal of Social Psychology 48 (2018): 209–16.
199 со стрессом на работе: M. Van Dijke, J. M. Leunissen, T. Wildschut, and C. Sedikides, «Nostalgia Promotes Intrinsic Motivation and Effort in the Presence of Low Interaction Justice,» Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 150 (2019): 46–61, doi:10.1016/j.obhdp.2018.12.003.
199 жизни появляется больше смысла: W. A. P. Van Tilburg, C. Sedikides, T. Wildschut, and A. J. J. Vingerhoets, «How Nostalgia Infuses Life with Meaning: From Social Connectedness to Self-Continuity,» European Journal of Social Psychology 49 (2019): 521–32, doi:10.1002/ejsp.2519, and C. Sedikides and T. Wildschut, «Finding Meaning in Nostalgia,» Review of General Psychology 22 (2018): 48–61, doi:10.1037/.
199 роман Сола Беллоу: «Планета мистера Сэммлера»: Saul Bellow novel: Mr. Sammler’s Planet (New York: Penguin Classics, 2004), 156, cited in C. Sedikides and T. Wildschut, «Finding Meaning in Nostalgia,» Review of General Psychology 22 (2018): 48–61, doi:10.1037/gpr0000109.
199 Первым человеком, испытавший ностальгию, был Одиссей: E. G. Hepper, T. D. Ritchie, C. Sedikides, and T. Wildschut, «Odyssey’s End: Lay Conceptions of Nostalgia Reflect Its Original Homeric Meaning,» Emotion 12 (2012): 102–19.
200 журнал Nostalgia: T. Wildschut, C. Sedikides, J. Arndt, and C. Routledge, «Nostalgia: Content, Triggers, Functions,» Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 91 (2006): 975–93, and Nostalgia Magazine, http://www.nostalgiamagazine.net/.