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Книга Интимное средневековье. Истории о страсти и целомудрии, поясах верности и приворотных снадобьях - Розали Гилберт

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Making Sex: Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud. Thomas Laqueur. Harvard University Press, Cambridge and London. 1990.

Meanings of Sex Difference in the Middle Ages: Medicine, Science, and Culture. Joan Cadden. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge and New York. 1995.

Medieval Cities: Their Origins and the Revival of Trade. Henri Pirenne. A Doubleday Anchor Book. Princeton University Press. 1925.

Medieval European Society, 1000–1450. Margaret Hastings. Douglass College. Random House. New York. 1971.

Medieval Fabrications. Dress, Textiles, Cloth Work & other Cultural Imaginings. Edited by E. Jane Burns. The New Middle Ages Series. Palgrave Macmillian. 2004.

Medieval Pets. Kathleen Walker-Meikle. Boydell & Brewster Ltd. The Boydell Press, Woodbridge, 2014.

Medieval Women. A Social History of Women in England 450–1500. Henrietta Leyser. Pheonix Giant Paperback. Orion Books. London.

Mistress, Maids and Men. Baronial Life in the Thirteenth Century. By Margaret Wade Labarge. Pheonix. Great Britain. 1965.

Montaillou. Cathars and Catholics In A French Village. 1294–1324. Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie. Translated by Barbara Bray. Scholar Press. Penguin Books. England. 1978.

On Sodomy. Peter Cantor.

On Union with God. Albert the Great. Ways of Mysticism Series. Continuum Publishing, Inc. 2000.

The Penitential of Finnian in Medieval Handbooks of Penance: A Translation of the principal libri penitentiales and selections from related documents. John T. McNeill and Helena M. Gamer, Eds. and Trans. New York: Colombia University Press, 1990.

The Penitential of Theodore. McNeill and Gamer.

The Regulation of Brothels in Later Medieval England. Ruth Mazo Karras. Signs Working Together in the Middle Ages: Perspective on Women’s Communities 14, no. 2. 1996.

The Romance of the Rose. Guillame de Lorris and Jean de Meun. A new translation by Frances Horgan. Oxford World’s Classics, Oxford University Press, 1994.

Sewers, Cesspits and Middens: A Survey of the Evidence for 2000 Years of Waste Disposal in York, U.K. Allan R. Hall and Harry K.

Kenward. Environmental Archaeology Unit. University of York. 1975–2003.

Sexuality in Medieval Europe: Doing unto Others. Ruth Mazo Karras. Third Edition. Routledge. London and New York. 2017.

Tacuinum Sanitatis. The Medieval Health Handbook. Translated and adapted by Oscar Ratti and Adele Westbrook. From the original Italian edition by Luisa Cogliati Arano. George Braziller. NY. 1976.

Terry Jones’ Medieval Lives. Terry Jones and Alan Ereira. B.B.C. Books. 5 May 2005.

The Trotula: A Medieval Compendium of Women’s Medicine. Edited and translated by Monica H. Green. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2001.

The Western Medical Tradition: 800 BC to AD 1800. Lawrence I. Conrad. Cambridge University Press. 1995.

Transgressing the Boundaries of Holiness: Sexual Deviance in the Early Medieval Penitential Handbooks of Ireland, England and France 500–1000. Christine A. McCann, 2010. Theses 76.

Women in England, c. 1275–1525: Documentary Sources. Edited by P.J.P. Goldberg. Translated by P.J.P. Goldberg. Manchester University Press. 20 November 2002.

Women and Gender in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia. Editors Mary Erler & Maryanne Kowaleski. University of Georgia. Georgia, USA. 1988.

Women, Family and Society in Medieval Europe. Historical Essays, 1978–1991. David Herlihy. Berghahn Books. USA. 1995.

Women in the Medieval English Countryside. Gender & Household in Brigstock Before the Plague. Judith M Bennett. Oxford University Press. New York. 1987.

Women in the Middle Ages. The Lives of Real Women in a Vibrant Age of Transition. Frances and Joseph Gies. Harper & Row. New York. 1980.

Об авторе

Розали Гилберт увлекается историей, экспериментальной археологией и исследованием жизни женщин в Средние века — особенно в Англии, откуда происходит ее семья. Розали — пожизненный член общества друзей Музея искусства и археологии аббатства и член организации Queensland Living History Federation.

В качестве приглашенного докладчика она читала лекции на темы «Женская гигиена в Средние века» и «Тайны сексуальной жизни средневековых женщин» в Музее искусства и археологии аббатства, в программе After Dark музея Квинсленда, на выставке «Власть в Средние века: символы и великолепие» в Британском музее, в программе Winterschool Университета третьего возраста, в University Pavilion на Abbey Medieval Festival и в самых разных женских социальных обществах.

Любимое занятие Розали — наврать всем, что работает, а самой поедать дома кукурузные чипсы в спасительной компании своей кошечки.

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