Книга Эффект негативности. Как способность замечать плохое трансформирует нашу реальность - Джон Терни
116 ещё и лаконичнее: A. S. Koch, J. P. Forgas, and D. Matovic, «Can Negative Mood Improve Your Conversation? Affective Influences on Conforming to Grice’s Communication Norms,» European Journal of Social Psychology 43 (2013): 326–34.
116 меньше влияли: J. P. Forgas, «Can Negative Affect Eliminate the Power of First Impressions? Affective Influences on Primacy and Recency Effects in Impression Formation,» Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 41 (2011): 425–29.
116 способность заметить лжецов: J. P. Forgas and R. East, «On Being Happy and Gullible: Mood Effects on Skepticism and the Detection of Deception,» Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 44 (2008): 1362–67.
116 громкие звуки: L. Notebaert, M. Tilbrook, P. J. F. Clarke, and C. Macleod, «When a Bad Bias Can Be Good: Anxiety-Linked Attentional Bias to Threat in Contexts Where Dangers Can Be Avoided,» Clinical Psychological Science 5 (2017): 485–96.
117 страх показаться толстыми: S. E. Dalley. P. Toffanin, and T. V. Pollet, «Dietary Restraint in College Women: Fear of an Imperfect Fat Self Is Stronger Than Hope of a Perfect Thin Self,» Body Image 9 (2012): 441–47.
117 донорам крови: E. Y. Chou and J. K. Murnighan, «Life or Death Decisions: Framing the Call for Help,» PLoS ONE 8 (2013): e57351, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0057351.
117 Десятки других исследований: M. B. Tannenbaum et al., «Appealing to Fear: A Meta-analysis of Fear Appeal Effectiveness and Theories,» Psychological Bulletin 141 (2015): 1178–204.
117 подметил доктор Джонсон: «Поверьте, сэр, когда человек знает, что его повесят через две недели, его разум хорошо сосредотачивается» Цитируется в J. Boswell, The Life of Samuel Johnson, C. Hibbert, ed. (London: Penguin English Library, 1979), 231.
117 родители и учителя: R. Ryan, A. Kilal, K. Ziol-Guest, and C. Padilla, «Socioeconomic Gaps in Parents’ Discipline Strategies from 1988 to 2011,» Pediatrics 138 (2016): e20160720, https://app.dimensions.ai/details/publication/pub.1067831611, and U.S. Department of Education, «Educators Gather at the White House to Rethink School Discipline,» July 22, 2015, https://www.ed.gov/news/press-releases/educators-gather-white-house-rethink-school-discipline.
117 движением в защиту самооценки: R. F. Baumeister, J. D. Campbell, J. I. Krueger, and K. D. Vohs, «Does High Self-Esteem Cause Better Performance, Interpersonal Success, Happiness, or Healthier Lifestyles?» Psychological Science in the Public Interest 4 (2003): 1–44.
118 в руководстве для учителей: S. Zemelman, H. S. Daniels, and A. Hyde, Best Practice, 4th ed., Bringing Standards to Life in America’s Classrooms (Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2012).
118 Герберт Марш проверил: H. W. Marsh et al., «Dimensional Comparison Theory: An Extension of the Internal/External Frame of Reference Effect on Academic Self-Concept Formation,» Contemporary Educational Psychology 39 (2014): 326–41, and H. W. Marsh et al., «Long-Term Positive Effects of Repeating a Year in School: Six-Year Longitudinal Study of Self-Beliefs, Anxiety, Social Relations, School Grades, and Test Scores,» Journal of Educational Psychology 109 (2017): 425–38.
118 ученики из Флориды: J. P. Greene and M. A. Winters, «Revisiting Grade Retention: An Evaluation of Florida’s Test-Based Promotion Policy,» Education Finance and Policy 2 (2007): 319–40, https://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/edfp.2007.2.4.319.
118 школы не хотят: K. Spencer, «A New Kind of Classroom: No Grades, No Failing, No Hurry,» New York Times, August 11, 2017, https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/11/nyregion/mastery-based-learning-no-grades.html, and D. Rado, «Parents Push Back Against School Report Cards with No Letter Grades,» Chicago Tribune, June 6, 2016, http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/ct-middle-school-grades-met-20160601-story.html.
119 Оценки старшей школы: L. Vries, «High School Grades Hit by Inflation,» CBS News, January 27, 2003, https://www.cbsnews.com/news/high-school-grades-hit-by-inflation/, and «Average High School GPAs Increased Since 1990,» U.S. News & World Report, April 19, 2011, https://www.usnews.com/opinion/articles/2011/04/19/average-high-school-gpas-increased-since-1990.
119 с рейтингами в классе: M. Balingit, «High Schools Are Doing Away with Class Rank. What Does That Mean for College Admissions?» Washington Post, July 13, 2015, https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/grade-point/wp/2015/07/13/high-schools-are-doing-away-with-class-rank-what-does-that-mean-for-college-admissions/?utm_term=.1383695e1064.
119 трудно дается обучение: N. M. Fortin, P. Oreopoulos, and S. Phipps, «Leaving Boys Behind: Gender Disparities in High Academic Achievement,» Journal of Human Resources 50 (2015): 549–79; and Pew Research Center, «Women Outpace Men in College Enrollment,» Fact Tank, March 6, 2014, http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2014/03/06/womens-college-enrollment-gains-leave-men-behind/; J. Guo, «Poor Boys Are Falling Behind Poor Girls, and It’s Deeply Troubling,» Washington Post, November 23, 2015, https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/11/23/why-girls-do-so-much-better-than-boys-in-school/?utm_term=.b6aafa26dd38.
119 развивается самоконтроль: A. L. Duckworth and M. E. P. Seligman, «Self-Discipline Gives Girls the Edge: Gender in Self-Discipline, Grades, and Achievement Test Scores,» Journal of Educational Psychology 98 (2006): 198–208, https://dx.doi.org/10.1037/0022–0663.98.1.198.
119 для мальчиков из семей: R. F. Baumeister and J. Tierney, Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength (New York: Penguin Press, 2011), 207–10.
119 последствия для мальчиков: D. Autor, D. Figlio, K. Karbownik, J. Roth, and M. Wasserman, «Family Disadvantage and the Gender Gap in Behavioral and Educational Outcomes,» National Bureau of Economic Research, NBER Working Paper No. 22267 (2017), and M. Bertrand and J. Pan, «The Trouble with Boys: Social Influences and the Gender Gap in Disruptive Behavior,» National Bureau of Economic Research, NBER Working Paper No. 17541 (2011).
120 книга 2000 года: S. C. Carter, No Excuses: Lessons from 21 High-Performing, High-Poverty Schools (Washington, DC: Heritage Foundation, 2000).
120 последующей книги: A. Thernstrom and S. Thernstrom, No Excuses: Closing the Racial Gap in Learning (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2003).
120 В Академии Успеха: Sources include interviews with Eva Moskowitz and Ann Powell of Success Academy as well as E. Moskowitz, The Education of Eva Moskowitz: A Memoir (New York: HarperCollins, 2017); R. Mead, «Success Academy’s Radical Educational Experiment,» New Yorker, December 11, 2017, https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/12/11/success-academys-radical-educational-experiment; K. Taylor, «At Success Academy Charter Schools, High Scores and Polarizing Tactics,» New York Times, April 6, 2015, https://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/07/nyregion/at-success-academy-charter-schools-polarizing-methods-and-superior-results.html; and Success Academy Charter Schools, https://www.successacademies.org/.