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Книга Чарли Чаплин - Питер Акройд

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Robinson David. Chaplin. London, 1983.

Robinson David. Chaplin. His Life and Art. London, 1985.

Ross Lillian. Moments with Chaplin. New York, 1980.

Scheide Frank and Mehran Hooman (eds.). Chaplin’s Limelight and the Music Hall Tradition. London, 2006.

Schikel Richard (ed.). The Essential Chaplin. Chicago, 2006.

Schroeder Alan. The Beauty of Silence. New York, 1997.

Scovell Jane. Oona. New York, 1998.

Seymour Miranda. Chaplin’s Girl. London, 2009.

Smith Julian. Chaplin. London, 1984.

Smith S. P. The Charlie Chaplin Walk. Ammanford, 2010.

Sobel Raoul and Francis David. Chaplin. Genesis of a Clown. London 1977.

Turk Ruth. Charlie Chaplin. Minneapolis, 2000.

Tyler Parker. Chaplin. Last of the Clowns. New York, 1972.

Von Ulm Gerith. Charlie Chaplin. King of Tragedy. Idaho, 1940.

Vance Jeffrey. Chaplin. New York, 2003.

Weissman Stephen. Chaplin. A Life. London, 2009.

Whittemore Don and Cecchettini P. A. Passport to Hollywood. New York, 1976.

Wranovics John. Chaplin and Agee. New York, 2005.

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