Книга Эффект негативности. Как способность замечать плохое трансформирует нашу реальность - Джон Терни
51 пары в Сиэтле: R. W. Levenson and J. M. Gottman, «Marital Interaction: Physiological Linkage and Affective Exchange,» Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 45 (1983): 587–97, and R. W. Levenson and J. M. Gottman, «Physiological and Affective Predictors of Change in Relationship Satisfaction,» Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 49 (1985): 85–94.
52 однополых парах: J. M. Gottman et al., «Observing Gay, Lesbian and Heterosexual Couples’ Relationships: Mathematical Modeling of Conflict Interaction,» Journal of Homosexuality 45 (2003): 65–91.
52 коммуникации между молодоженами: T. L. Huston and A. L. Vangelisti, «Socioemotional Behavior and Satisfaction in Marital Relationships: A Longitudinal Study,» Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 61 (1991): 721–33.
52 психолог Бэрри МакКарти: Personal communication with B. McCarthy.
53 «эффект близости»: L. Festinger, S. Schachter, and K. Back, Social Pressures in Informal Groups: A Study of Human Factors in Housing (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1950).
53 район таун-хаусов: E. B. Ebbesen, G. L. Kjos, and V. J. Konečni, «Spatial Ecology: Its Effects on the Choice of Friends and Enemies,» Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 12 (1976): 505–18.
54 когнитивное развитие детей: D. C. Rowe, K. C. Jacobson, and E. J. Van den Oord, «Genetic and Environmental Influences on Vocabulary IQ: Parental Education Level as Moderator,» Child Development 70 (1999): 1151–62; L. A. Thompson, R. D. Tiu, and D. K. Detterman, «Differences in Heritability Across Levels of Father’s Occupation,» poster presented at the annual meeting of the Behavior Genetics Association (July 1999); and E. Turkheimer, A. Haley, M. Waldron, B. D’Onofrio, and I. I. Gottesman, «Socioeconomic Status Modifies Heritability of IQ in Young Children,» Psychological Science 14 (2003): 623–28.
55 эмоциональных аспектов воспитания ребенка: S. Scarr, «Developmental Theories for the 1990s: Development and Individual Differences,» Child Development 63 (1992): 1–19, and I. B. Wissink, M. Dekovic, and A. M. Meijer, «Parenting Behavior, Quality of the Parent-Adolescent Relationship, and Adolescent Functioning in Four Ethnic Groups,» Journal of Early Adolescence 26 (2006): 133–59.
56 Айлет Гнизи продемонстрировала: A. Gneezy and N. Epley, «Worth Keeping but Not Exceeding: Asymmetric Consequences of Breaking Versus Exceeding Promises,» Social Psychological and Personality Science 5 (2014): 796–804.
57 десятках стран: D. P. Schmitt, A. Realo, M. Voracek, and J. Allik, «Why Can’t a Man Be More Like a Woman? Sex Differences in Big Five Personality Traits Across 55 Cultures,» Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 94 (2008): 168–82.
57 демонстрируют лица: L. M. Williams et al., «Explicit Identification and Implicit Recognition of Facial Emotions: I. Age Effects in Males and Females Across 10 Decades,» Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 31 (2009): 257–77.
59 фундаментальную ошибку атрибуции: D. T. Gilbert and P. S. Malone, «The Correspondence Bias,» Psychological Bulletin 117 (1995): 21–38.
59 ошибка имеет место: B. F. Malle, «The Actor-Observer Asymmetry in Attribution: A (Surprising) Meta-analysis,» Psychological Bulletin 132 (2006): 895–919.
60 «стилю атрибуции» B. R. Karney and T. N. Bradbury, «Attributions in Marriage: State or Trait? A Growth Curve Analysis,» Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 78 (2000): 295–309.
60 «брачный прием»: E. J. Finkel, E. B. Slotter, L. B. Luchies, G. M. Walton, and J. J. Gross, «A Brief Intervention to Promote Conflict Reappraisal Preserves Marital Quality over Time,» Psychological Science 24 (2013): 1595–601.
61 мозг влюбленных: X. Xu et al., «Regional Brain Activity During Early-Stage Intense Romantic Love Predicted Relationship Outcomes After 40 Months: An fMRI Assessment,» Neuroscience Letters 526 (2012): 33–38, and B. P. Acevedo, A. Aron, H. E. Fisher, and L. L. Brown, «Neural Correlates of Marital Satisfaction and Well-Being: Reward, Empathy, and Affect,» Clinical Neuropsychiatry: Journal of Treatment Evaluation 9 (2012): 20–31.
62 поэт Уильям Блейк: W. Blake, The Poetical Works of William Blake, ed. John Sampson (London: Oxford University Press, 1908); https://www.bartleby.com/235/154.html.
62 иллюзии пар: S. L. Murray, J. G. Holmes, and D. W. Griffin, «The Benefits of Positive Illusions: Idealization and the Construction of Satisfaction in Close Relationships,» Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 70 (1996): 79–98.
63 Гинсбург передала этот совет: K. J. Sullivan, «U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Talks About a Meaningful Life,» Stanford News, February 6, 2017, https://news.stanford.edu/2017/02/06/supreme-court-associate-justice-ginsburg-talks-meaningful-life/.
64 игра «Диктатор»: B. Keysar, B. A. Converse, J. Wang, and N. Epley, «Reciprocity Is Not Give and Take: Asymmetric Reciprocity to Positive and Negative Acts,» Psychological Science 19 (2008): 1280–86, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1467–9280.2008.02223.x.
Глава 3: Внутренний демон мозга
67 Феликс Баумгартнер решился: Отчет о проекте сверхзвукового прыжка взят из интервью с Феликсом Баумгартнером, Майком Жерве, Артом Томпсоном, Джо Киттингером, и другими членами The Red Bull Stratos Team, а также другими записями Тьерни во время проекта. См. J. Tierney, «Daredevil Sets Sight on a 22-Mile Fall,» New York Times, October 8, 2012, https://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/09/science/fearless-felix-baumgartner-to-try-to-become-first-sky-diver-to-break-sound-barrier.html, and J. Tierney, «A Supersonic Jump, from 23 Miles in the Air,» New York Times, March 15, 2010, https://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/16/science/16tier.html.
70 три главные системы, предупреждающие об угрозе: K. J. Flannelly, H. G. Koenig, K. Galek, and C. G. Ellison, «Beliefs, Mental Health, and Evolutionary Threat Assessment Systems in the Brain,» Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 195 (2007): 996–1003.
71 остальная часть мозга: M. Diano, A. Celeghin, A. Bagnis, and M. Tamietto, «Amygdala Response to Emotional Stimuli Without Awareness: Facts and Interpretations,» Frontiers in Psychology 7 (2017): 2029, https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2016.02029.
71 быстрее повернутся: V. LoBue and J. S. DeLoache, «Superior Detection of Threat-Relevant Stimuli in Infancy,» Developmental Science 13 (2010): 221–28, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467–7687.2009.00872.x.
71 в возрасте пяти лет: V. LoBue, «More Than Just Another Face in the Crowd: Superior Detection of Threatening Facial Expressions in Young Children and Adults,» Developmental Science 12 (2009): 305–13, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467–7687.2008.00767.x.
71 мозг дольше фокусируется: G. W. Alpers and P. Pauli, «Emotional Pictures Predominate in Binocular Rivalry,» Cognition and Emotion 20 (2006): 596–607, and R. L. Bannerman, M. Milders, B. de Gelder, and A. Sahraie, «Influence of Emotional Facial Expressions on Binocular Rivalry,» Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics 28 (2008): 317–26.