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13. Don Harris. Human Performance on the Flight Deck // Surrey, U.K.: Ashgate, 2011. Р. 221.

14. How Does Automation Affect Airline Safety? // Flight Safety Foundation, 2012. July 3. UPL: http://www.

15. Hemant Bhana. Trust but Verify // AeroSafety World, 2010. June.

16. Цитируется по книге: Nick A. Komons. Bonfires to Beacons: Federal Civil Aviation Policy under the Air Commerce Act 1926–1938. Washington, D.C.: U. S. Department of Transportation, 1978. Р. 24.

17. Scott Mayerowitz and Joshua Freed. Air Travel Safer than Ever with Death Rate at Record Low //, 2012. January 1. UPL: http://www. (В статистику не включены жертвы террористических актов.)

18. Интервью Раджа Парасурамана автору от 18 декабря 2011 года.

19. Jan Noyes. Automation and Decision Making. В книге: Malcolm James Cook. Decision Making in Complex Environments. Aldershot, U.K. Ashgate, 2007. Р. 73.

20. Earl L. Wiener. Human Factors of Advanced Technology (“Glass Cockpit”) Transport Aircraft // Moffett Field, Calif.: NASA Ames Research Center, 1989. June.

21. См., например: Earl L. Wiener and Renwick E. Curry. Flight Deck Automation: Promises and Problems // NASA Ames Research Center, 1980. June; Earl L. Wiener. Beyond the Sterile Cockpit // Human Factors 27, 1985. № 1. Р. 75–90; Donald Eldredge et al., Review and Discussion of Flight Management System Incidents Reported to the Aviation Safety Reporting System. Washington, D.C.: Federal Aviation Administration, 1992. February; Matt Ebbatson. Practice Makes Imperfect: Common Factors in Recent Manual Approach Incidents // Human Factors and Aerospace Safety 6, 2006. № 3. Р. 275–278.

22. Andy Pasztor. Pilot Reliance on Automation Erodes Skills // Wall Street Journal, 2010. November 5.

23. Operational Use of Flight Path Management Systems: Final Report of the Performance-Based Operations Aviation Rulemaking Committee/Commercial Aviation Safety Team Flight Deck Automation Working Group. Washington, D.C.: Federal Aviation Administration, 2013. September 5. UPL: http://www.



24. Matthew Ebbatson. The Loss of Manual Flying Skills in Pilots of Highly Automated Airliners // PhD thesis. Cranfield University School of Engineering, 2009. См. также: M. Ebbatson et al., The Relationship between Manual Handling Performance and Recent Flying Experience in Air Transport Pilots.// Ergonomics 53, 2010. № 2. Р. 268–277.

25. Цитируется по книге: David A. Mindell. Between Human and Machine: Feedback, Control, and Computing before Cybernetics. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002. Р. 77.

26. S. Bennett A. History of Control Engineering, 1800–1930. Stevenage, U.K.: Peter Peregrinus, 1979. Р. 141.

27. Tom Wolfe. The Right Stuff. N. Y.: Picador, 1979. Р. 152–154.

28. Ebbatson. Loss of Manual Flying Skills.

29. Response Charts for ‘EASA CockpitAutomation Survey // European Aviation Safety Agency. 2012. August 3. UPL: http://www. °Cockpit%20Automation%20Survey%202012 %20-%20Results.pdf.

30. Joan Lowy. Automation in the Air Dulls Pilot Skill // Seattle Times, 2011. August 30.

31. Хороший обзор истории изменения численности летных экипажей см.: Delmar M. Fadden et al., First Hand: Evolution of the 2-Person Crew Jet Transport Flight Deck // IEEE Global History Network, 2008. August 25. UPL: Evolution_of_the_2-Person_Crew_Jet_Transport_Flight_Deck.

32. Цитируется по книге: Philip E. Ross. When Will We Have Unmanned Commercial Airliners? // IEEE Spectrum, 2011. December.

33. Scott McCartney. Pilot Pay: Want to Know How Much Your Captain Earns? // Wall Street Journal, 2009. June 16. UPL: http://www.

34. Dawn Duggan. The 8 Most Overpaid & Underpaid Jobs. UPL:, undated, %2Dmost%2Doverpaid%2Dunderpaid%2Djobs/slide/9/.

35. David A. Mindell. Digital Apollo: Human and Machine in Spaceflight. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2011. Р. 20.

36. Wilbur Wright. Letter, 1900/ May 13. В книге: Visions of Technology: A Century of Vital Debate about Machines, Systems, and the Human World / Ed. Richard Rhodes. N.Y.: Touchstone, 1999. Р. 33.

37. Mindell. Digital Apollo. P. 20.

38. Там же. P. 21.

39. Wilbur Wright. Some Aeronautical Experiments // Speech before the Western Society of Engineers. 1901, September 18. UPL:

40. Mindell. Digital Apollo. Р. 21.

41. J. O. Roberts. The Case against Automation in Manned Fighter Aircraft // SETP Quarterly Review 2. 1957. № 3. Р. 18–23.

42. Цитируется по: Mindell. Between Human and Machine. Р. 77.

43. Harris. Human Performance on the Flight Deck. Р. 221.

Глава четвертая. Эффект вырождения

1. Alfred North Whitehead. An Introduction to Mathematics. N. Y.: Henry Holt, 1911. Р. 61.

2. Цитируется по: Frank Levy and Richard J. Murnane. The New Division of Labor: How Computers Are Creating the Next Job Market. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2004. Р. 4.

3. Raja Parasuraman et al. Model for Types and Levels of Human Interaction with Automation // IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics – Part A: Systems and Humans 30, 2000. № 3 Р. 286–297. См. также: Nadine Sarter et al. Automation Surprises / Ed. Gavriel Salvendy // Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics., 2nd ed. N.Y.: Wiley, 1997.

4. Dennis F. Galletta et al. Does Spell-Checking Software Need a Warning Label? // Communications of the ACM 48. 2005. № 7. Р. 82–86.

5. National Transportation Safety Board // Marine Accident Report: Grounding of the Panamanian Passenger Ship Royal Majesty on Rose and Crown Shoal near Nantucket. Massachusetts, 1995. June 10.Washington, D.C.: NTSB, 1997. April 2.

6. Sherry Turkle. Simulation and Its Discontents. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2009. Р. 55–56.

7. Jennifer Langston. GPS Routed Bus under Bridge, Company Says // Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 2008. April 17.

8. A. A. Povyakalo et al. How to Discriminate between Computer-Aided and Computer-Hindered Decisions: A Case Study in Mammography // Medical Decision Making 33. 2013. № 1. January. Р. 98–107.

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