Книга Что делает нас людьми - Леон Виндшайд
Hupfeld J., Ruffieux N. Validierung einer deutschen Version der Self-Compassion Scale (SCS-D) // Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 2011.
Germer C. K., Neff K. Cultivating Self-compassion in Trauma Survivors. Mindfulness-Oriented Interventions for Trauma: Integrating Contemplative Practices. American Psychological Association, 2015.
Charmaz K. C. The Social Construction of Self-pity in the Chronically Ill // Studies in Symbolic Interaction, 1980.
Stöber J. Self-pity: Exploring the Links to Personality, Control Beliefs, and Anger // Journal of Personality, 2003.
Kröner-Herwig B. Bewertung der Effizienz von Bewältigungsverhalten am Beispiel der Stressverarbeitungsmaßnahmen aus dem SVF // Zeitschrift für Differentielle und Diagnostische Psychologie, 1988.
Raes F. Rumination and Worry as Mediators of the Relationship between Self-compassion and Depression and Anxiety // Personality and Individual Differences, 2010.
Neff K. et al. Self-compassion, Achievement Goals, and Coping with Academic Failure // Self and Identity, 2005.
Brown L. et al. Self-compassionate Aging: A Systematic Review // The Gerontologist, 2019.
Sbarra D. A. When Leaving Your Ex, Love Yourself: Observational Ratings of Self-compassion Predict the Course of Emotional Recovery Following Marital Separation // Psychological Science, 2012.
Thompson B. L., Waltz J. Self-compassion and PTSD Symptom Severity // Journal of Traumatic Stress: Official Publication of The International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, 2008; Tanaka M. et al. The Linkages Among Childhood Maltreatment, Adolescent Mental Health, and Self-compassion in Child Welfare Adolescents // Child Abuse & Neglect, 2011; Vettese L. C. et al. Does Self-compassion Mitigate the Association between Childhood Maltreatment and Later Emotion Regulation Difficulties? // A Preliminary Investigation. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 2011.
Barnard L., Curry J. Self-compassion: Conceptualizations, Correlates, & Interventions // Review of General Psychology, 2011.
О стрессе: Chishima Y. et al. The Influence of Self-compassion on Cognitive Appraisals and Coping with Stressful events // Mindfulness, 2018.
О диабете: Friis A. M. et al. Does Kindness Matter? Diabetes, Depression, and Selfcompassion: A Selective Review and Research Agenda // Diabetes Spectrum, 2015.
О хронической боли: Costa J., Pinto-Gouveia J. Acceptance of Pain, Selfcompassion and Psychopathology: Using the Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire to Identify Patients’ Subgroups // Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 2011; Costa J., Pinto-Gouveia J. Experiential Avoidance and Self-compassion in Chronic Pain // Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 2013; Barnes A. et al. Exploring the Emotional Experiences of Young Women with Chronic Pain: The Potential Role of Self-compassion // Journal of Health Psychology, 2018.
О диагностике серьезных заболеваний: Brion J. M. et al. Self-compassion and Reactions to Serious Illness: The Case of HIV // Journal of Health Psychology, 2014.
О переедании: Kelly A. C., Carter J. C. Self-compassion Training for Binge Eating Disorder: A pilot Randomized Controlled Trial // Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 2015.
Neff K. The Motivational Power of Self-Compassion. 2020 // self-compassion.org/the-motivational-power-of-self-compassion/.
Zuroff D. C. et al. Dependency, Self-criticism, and Maladjustment // S. J. Blatt et al., eds. Relatedness, Self-definition, and Mental Representation: Essays in Honor of Sidney J. Blatt. Routledge, 2005.
Whelton W. J., Greenberg L. Emotion in Self-criticism // Personality and Individual Differences, 2005.
Breines J. G., Chen S. Self-compassion Increases Self-improvement Motivation // Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 2012.
О курении: Terry M. L., Leary M. R. Self-compassion, Self-regulation, and Health // Self and Identity, 2011.
О похудении: Mantzios M., Egan H. On the Role of Self-compassion and Self-kindness in Weight Regulation and Health Behavior Change // Frontiers in Psychology, 2017.
Moffitt R. L. et al. Comparing the Efficacy of a Brief Self-esteem and Self-compassion Intervention for State Body Dissatisfaction and Self-improvement Motivation // Body Image, 2018.
Zessin U. et al. The Relationship between Self-compassion and Well-being: A Meta-analysis // Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 2015; MacBeth A., Gumley A. Exploring Compassion: A Meta-analysis of the Association between Self-compassion and Psychopathology // Clinical Psychology Review, 2012; Sirois F. M. et al. Self-compassion, Affect, and Health-promoting Behaviors // Health Psychology, 2015; Ferrari M. et al. Self-compassion Interventions and Psychosocial Outcomes: A Meta-analysis of RCTs // Mindfulness, 2019.
История была освещена многими новостными агентствами, например: South Korean mother given tearful VR reunion with deceased daughter // Reuters, 14.02.2020 // reuters.com/article/us-southkorea-virtualreality-reunion-idUSKBN2081D6. Здесь вы можете увидеть описанный раздел документации: MBC Life. Youtube, 06.02.2020 // youtube.com/watch?v=uflTK8c4w0c.
Roser M. et al. Child and Infant Mortality. Our World in Data, 2019 // ourworldindata.org/child-mortality#child-mortality-from-the-parents-perspective.
Pomeroy E. et al. New Neanderthal Remains Associated with the «Flower Burial» at Shanidar Cave // Antiquity, 2020.
О мумификации в Египте: Abdel-Maksoud G., El-Amin A.-R. A Review on the Materials Used During the Mummification Processes in Ancient Egypt // Mediterranean Archaeology & Archaeometry, 2011.
О майя: Burial. Anient History Encyclopedia, 02.09.2009 // ancient.eu/burial/.
St. Benno Verlag. Kondolenz und Zuspruch im Trauerfall. Vivat! Christliche Bücher & Geschenke, 2021 // cms.vivat.de/themenwelten/lebenskreis/tod-trauer-begraebnis/traditionen-und-braeuche-rund-um-tod-und-trauer.html.
Roser M. et al. Life Expectancy. Our World in Data, 2019 // ourworldindata.org/life-expectancy#twice-as-long-life-expectancy-around-the-world.
О детской смертности: Roser M. et al. Child and Infant Mortality. Our World in Data, 2019 // ourworldindata.org/child-mortality#:~:text=Global%20child%20mortality%20since%201800,child%20mortality%20in%20these%20countries.
McCracken H., Grossman L. Google vs. Death // Time, 30.09.2013 // content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,2152422,00.html.
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