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No later than in 1972, one of the envoys of the Club of Rome David Rockefeller came to an agreement with some members of the government of the USSR, in particular Kosygin, on the involvement of the USSR in the orbit of this project. I suspect that at the very beginning of the negotiations, even before Kosygin, this issue from the Soviet side was led by A. Mikoyan, the matchmaker of A. Kuznetsov, executed by Stalinʹs verdict in the «Leningrad case» (1950). At the same time in 1972, the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) was registered in Austria, founded by both American and Soviet parties, and in 1976 they established its Moscow branch – the VNIISI. From its very beginning it was constantly headed by the Soviet academician D. M. Gvishiani, a son-in-law of A. N. Kosygin and a member of the club of Rome for 17 years.

It was in the depths of these structures that Kosygin, Andropov, Gorbachev and their assistants developed and then realized the plans for the collapse and deindustrialization of the USSR from within.

The plans of the Roman Club gave USSR the role of the territory of development of the XXI century.

From the 1970s through the institutions of the American economy, the Rockefeller family as one of the most active political and economic agents of the Club of Rome together with Deng Xiaoping began the gradual emergence of China as the main «factory» of the future. They stimulated the movement of production from all over the world there and to Asia as a whole.

In parallel, a broad-based campaign was launched to reduce the population of the Earth and to reduce its growth: through the destruction of the institution of the traditional family, through the fertility planning, biotechnology, causing infertility or reducing the level of fertility of the population, by the management of food markets and other means.

The third measure, going after the functional zoning of the Land and the reduction and specialization of its population, is the targeted reduction of the level of education of the population and the digitalization. With the assistance of IMF, multiplied by the betrayal of our «elites», Russia was selected as one of the experimental sites.

The purpose of the digitalization is the replacement of the man with the artificial intelligence, the replacement of the man in the performance of social functions, and then, probably, its complete replacement.

In the ideas of the Club of Rome the digitalization in Russia and in the whole world is aimed at solving the following tasks, reached one after another:

* Creation of electronic intelligence systems («cyborgs»), which can replace a person in the material world of production of goods (consumer goods) and services

* The cyborgs are granted legal rights: first of the legal entities and then of the individuals, which will allow them to compete with the people in the market of goods and services

* Cyborgs are crowding out the working population, which will become «unnecessary» as a result of more competitive cyborgs»

* Destruction of de facto «unnecessary» population in different ways: by increasing the retirement age and reducing the social security of working citizens, other measures for the desocialization of the countries, due to diseases, birth control, military conflicts, reducing the quality of food and their availability

* Development of autotrophic and / or disembodied man as an artificial form of life with a lifeless shell. Inviting people to «replace the body» with a new artificial and, most importantly, «immortal» shell

* Complete destruction of man as an image and likeness of God.

You may have noticed that Iʹm definitely tough on the facts, trying to avoid streamlined language. I may be wrong about the details, but Iʹm hardly wrong about the main trends.

The projected outcome of the plans of the Club of Rome should be a world governed by global governance structures, with a rigid caste-based social and racial structure, in which nations and individuals would be divided into regions and castes with different functions. At the same time, the population of the Earth will be reduced to a certain minimum – the notorious «Golden» billion. Thus, the material consumption of mankind will be artificially reduced to a level that will be safe for the biosphere, which will allow it to reproduce. At the same time, the nature of the Earth as a whole will be able to cope with the pollution produced by the Asian factory and other minimum necessary industrial centers. Artificial intelligence on the intention of the Club will maintain a high standard of living for the elite castes.

I am sending this letter to government officials, the press and the ideologues of the Club of Rome. My goal is to point out the fundamental obstacles in the implementation of their plan, which are objective in nature – the nature of the laws of the universe and the laws of the biosphere and noosphere of the Earth, which will inevitably violate these plans.

The laws of the earthʹs noosphere and biosphere, which impede the plans of the Club of Rome and endanger our civilization in case of these plansʹ implementation, put forward the following counterarguments:

First. One of the main properties of «living matter» is its ability to reproduce and self – reproduce. Reproduce itself-one of the main laws of life, allowing it to be continuous. For non-living matter, including controlled by artificial intelligence, this rule and this law donʹt apply, and it cannot be reliably prescribed. The living entity will always defend the living entity, and it is not only the humanitarian principle that governs it, but the law of life that is firmly embedded in it. There is no such a law for non-living matter.

Second. The level of human civilization is objectively limited by the population of the Earth covered by a certain level of education, mental activity and mutual communication. It can be argued that the Earth as a whole is a single thinking mechanism. When looking at our planet from space, it is easy to notice the similarity of its shadow side (not illuminated by the Sun) with the human brain. This global brain, like the brain of an individual, has its own biofield. Its potential depends on the number, interaction and activity of individual units – people. More about this I wrote in my book «The Future is inevitable. World order against the background of chaos» (Moscow, publishing house «Algorithm»), which was published in 2017 in Russian. The rule is: if the covered population falls, the level of its technology will follow it and will fall too. This is inevitable, and no artificial intelligence will allow to keep this level, at least for a long time.

Third. Modern man is becoming increasingly dependent on his artificial environment, in the absence of which his ability to survive is sharply reduced. The probability that a modern man, taken at random from the urban environment, will be able to survive in the wild for at least a short time without preparation, tends to zero. In case of any disaster (when everything goes wrong), which in recent decades has become a favorite Hollywood theme, this man will not survive. And being alone or in a minority (that is, in a small team), he will not be able to reproduce the technology of survival of modern society (to repair or restore equipment: heating, water treatment, etc., to provide himself with food, to protect).

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