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Книга Размер имеет значение?! И еще 69 развенчанных мифов о сексе - Рейчел Вриман

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Levin, Roy J. «Can the Controversy About the Putative Role of the Human Female Orgasm in Sperm Transport Be Settled with Our Current Physiological Knowledge of Coitus?» Journal of Sexual Medicine 8, no. 6 (2011): 1566–1578.

Levin, Roy J. «The Physiology of Sexual Arousal in the Human Female: A Recreational and Procreational Synthesis». Archives of Sexual Behavior 31, no. 5 (2002): 405–411.

Levin, Roy J. «Sexual Arousal – Its Physiological Roles in Human Reproduction». Annual Review of Sex Research 16 (2005): 154–189.

Вы не можете забеременеть, если это было изнасилование

Holmes, M. M., Resnick, H. S., Kilpatrick, D. G., & Best, C. L. (1996). Rape-related pregnancy: estimates and descriptive characteristics from a national sample of women. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecol ogy, 175(2), 320–324; discussion 324–325.

От противозачаточных таблеток можно растолстеть

Gallo, M. F., L. M. Lopez, D. A. Grimes, K. F. Schulz, and F. M. Helmerhorst. «Combination Contraceptives: Effects on Weight». Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, no. 9 (2011): CD003987.

Warholm, L., K. R. Petersen, and P. Ravn. «Combined Oral Contraceptives’ Influence on Weight, Body Composition, Height, and Bone Mineral Density in Girls Younger Than 18 Years: A Systematic Review». Eu ro pe an Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care 17, no. 4 (2012): 245–253.

Противозачаточные таблетки не действуют, если вы принимаете антибиотики

Burroughs KE, Chambliss ML. Antibiotics and Oral Contraceptive Failure. Archives of Family Medicine 2000; 9: 81–82.

Helms SE, Bredle DL, Zajic J, Jarjoura D, Brodell RT, Krishnarao I. Oral contraceptive failure rates and oral antibiotics. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 1997; 36: 705–710.

Если вы прибавите несколько килограммов, противозачаточные таблетки не будут действовать

Dinger, J. C., M. Cronin, S. Mohner, I. Schellschmidt, T. D. Minh, and C. Westhoff. «Oral Contraceptive Effectiveness According to Body Mass Index, Weight, Age, and Other Factors». American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecol ogy 201, no. 3 (2009): 263 e1 – 269.

Holt, V. L., K. L. Cushing-Haugen, and J. R. Daling. «Body Weight and Risk of Oral Contraceptive Failure». Obstetrics & Gynecol ogy 99, no. 5 Pt 1 (2002): 820–827.

Westhoff, C. L., A. H. Torgal, E. R. Mayeda, F. Z. Stanczyk, J. P. Lerner, E. K. Benn, and M. Paik. «Ovarian Suppression in Normal-Weight and Obese Women During Oral Contraceptive Use: A Randomized Controlled Trial». Obstetrics & Gynecol ogy 116, no. 2 Pt 1 (2010): 275–283.

ВМС – это ужасно!

Cramer, D. W., I. Schiff, S. C. Schoenbaum, M. Gibson, S. Belisle, B. Albrecht, R. J. Stillman, M. J. Berger, E. Wilson, B. V. Stadel, and et al. «Tubal Infertility and the Intrauterine Device». New En gland Journal of Medicine 312, no. 15 (1985): 941–947.

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Datey, S., L. N. Gaur, and B. N. Saxena. «Vaginal Bleeding Patterns of Women Using Different Contraceptive Methods (Implants, Injectables, Iuds, Oral Pills) – an Indian Experience. An Icmr Task Force Study. Indian Council of Medical Research». Contraception 51, no. 3 (1995): 155–165.

Hubacher, D., R. Lara-Ricalde, D. J. Taylor, F. Guerra-Infante, and R. Guzman-Rodriguez. «Use of Copper Intrauterine Devices and the Risk of Tubal Infertility among Nulligravid Women». New En gland Journal of Medicine 345, no. 8 (2001): 561–567. Lee, N. C., G. L. Rubin, and R. Borucki. «The Intrauterine Device and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Revisited: New Results from the Women’s Health Study». Obstetrics & Gynecol ogy 72, no. 1 (1988): 1–6.

Lee, N. C., G. L. Rubin, H. W. Ory, and R. T. Burkman. «Type of Intrauterine Device and the Risk of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease». Obstetrics & Gynecol ogy 62, no. 1 (1983): 1–6.

Meirik, O. «Intrauterine Devices – Upper and Lower Genital Tract Infections». Contraception 75, no. 6 Suppl (2007): S41 – 47.

Moreau, C., J. Trussell, G. Rodriguez, N. Bajos, and J. Bouyer. «Contraceptive Failure Rates in France: Results from a Population-Based Survey». Human Reproduction 22, no. 9 (2007): 2422–2427.

Segal, S. J., F. Alvarez-Sanchez, C. A. Adejuwon, V. Brache de Mejia, P. Leon, and A. Faundes. «Absence of Chorionic Gonadotropin in Sera of Women Who Use Intrauterine Devices». Fertility and Sterility 44, no. 2 (1985): 214–218.

Sivin, I., and I. Batar. «State-of-the-Art of Non-Hormonal Methods of Contraception: Iii. Intrauterine Devices». European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care 15, no. 2 (2010): 96 – 112.

Skjeldestad, F., and H. Bratt. «Fertility after Complicated and Non-Complicated Use of Iuds. A Controlled Prospective Study». Advances in Contraception 4, no. 3 (1988): 179–184.

Tietze, C. «Evaluation of Intrauterine Devices: Ninth Progress Report of the Cooperative Statistical Program». Studies in Family Planning, no. 55 (1970): 1 – 40.

Wilcox, A. J., C. R. Weinberg, R. E. Wehmann, E. G. Armstrong, R. E. Canfield, and B. C. Nisula. «Measuring Early Pregnancy Loss: Laboratory and Field Methods». Fertility and Sterility 44, no. 3 (1985): 366–374.

Хотите девочку? Повернитесь сюда, нагнитесь туда…

Gray, R. H. (1991). Natural family planning and sex selection: fact or fiction? Am Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecol ogy, 165(6 Pt 2), 1982–1984.

Mossma n, J. A., Slate, J., Birkhead, T. R., Moore, H. D., & Pacey, A. A. (2013). Sperm speed is associated with sex bias of siblings in a human population. Asian Journal of Andrology, 15(1), 152–154. doi: 10.1038/aja.2012.109

Вы не можете забеременеть, если…

KidsHealth. Birth Control Pill. (Accessed 21 May 2008, at

KidsHealth. Can a Girl Get Pregnant if She Has Sex During Her Period? (Accessed 20 May 2008, at

KidsHealth. Withdrawal. (Accessed 21 May 2008, at

Planned Parenthood of North Texas. Birth Control. (Accessed 11 June 2008, at

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