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John of Antioch, ed. Mueller (1851–1870); trans. Gordon (1966) John of Nikiu, Chronicle, trans. Charles (1916) (from the Ethiopian)

Jordanes, Romana and Getica, ed. Mommsen (1882); Getica, trans. Mierow (1915)

Laws of Ine, ed. Liebermann (1903–1916); trans. Whitelock (1955)

Life of Anskar, ed. Trillmich et al. (1978); trans. Robinson (1921)

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Saxo Grammaticus, History of the Danes, ed. Knabe et al. (1931–1957); trans. Fisher (1996) (Books I—IX); Christiansen (1980–1981) (Books X—XVI)

Socrates, Historia Ecclesiastica, ed. Hansen (1995); trans. in Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, vol. 2

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