Книга Опасная идея Дарвина: Эволюция и смысл жизни - Дэниел К. Деннетт
Darwin 1911 – Darwin F. The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin. 2 vols. New York: Appleton, 1911. (Первое издание: London: Murray, 1877. 3 vols.)
David 1985 – David P. Clio and the Economics of QWERTY // American Economic Review. 1985. Vol. 75. P. 332–337.
Davies 1992 – Davies P. The Mind of God. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992.
Dawkins 1976 – Dawkins R. The Selfish Gene. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1976. (See also revised ed. Dawkins 1989a.) (Докинз Р. Эгоистичный ген / Пер. Н. Фоминой. М.: Corpus, 2013.)
Dawkins 1981 – Dawkins R. In Defence of Selfish Genes // Philosophy. 1981. Vol. 54. P. 556–573.
Dawkins 1982 – Dawkins R. The Extended Phenotype: The Gene as the Unit of Selection. Oxford; San Francisco: Freeman, 1982. (Докинз Р. Расширенный фенотип: длинная рука гена / Пер. А. Гопко. М.: Corpus, 2010.)
Dawkins 1983a – Dawkins R. Universal Darwinism // D. S. Bendall, ed. Evolution from Molecules to Men. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983. P. 403–425.
Dawkins 1983b – Dawkins R. Adaptationism Was Always Predictive and Needed No Defense // (комментарий к Dennett 1983). Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 1983. Vol. 6. P. 360–361.
Dawkins 1986a – Dawkins R. The Blind Watchmaker. London: Longmans, 1986. (Докинз Р. Слепой часовщик. Как эволюция доказывает отсутствие замысла во Вселенной / Ричард Докинз; пер. с англ. А. Гопко. М.: ACT: CORPUS, 2019.)
Dawkins 1986b – Dawkins R. Sociobiology: The New Storm in a Teacup // Steven Rose and Lisa Appignanese, eds. Science and Beyond. Oxford: Blackwell, 1986. P. 61–78.
Dawkins 1989a – Dawkins R. The Selfish Gene. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989.
Dawkins 1989b – Dawkins R. The Evolution of Evolvability // C. Langton, ed. Artificial Life. Vol. I. Redwood City, Cal.: Addison-Wesley, 1989. P. 201–220.
Dawkins 1990 – Dawkins R. Review of Gould 1989a // Sunday Telegraph (London). 1990. February 25.
Dawkins 1993 – Dawkins R. Viruses of the Mind // Bo Dahlbom, ed. Dennett and His Critics. Oxford: Blackwell, 1993. P. 13–27.
Delius 1991 – Delius J. The Nature of Culture // M. S. Dawkins, T. R. Halliday, R. Dawkins, eds. The Tinbergen Legacy. London: Chapman & Hall, 1991. P. 75–99.
Demus 1984 – Demus O. The Mosaics of San Marco in Venice. 4 vols. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984.
Dennett 1968 – Dennett D. C. Machine Traces and Protocol Statements // Behavioral Science. 1968. Vol. 13. P. 155–161.
Dennett 1969 – Dennett D. C. Content and Consciousness. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1969.
Dennett 1970 – Dennett D. C. The Abilities of Men and Machines // Доклад прочитан на конференции Восточного подразделения Американской философской ассоциации (декабрь 1970). Текст опубликован в Dennett 1978. P. 256–266.
Dennett 1971 – Dennett D. C. Intentional Systems // Journal of Philosophy. 1971. Vol. 68. P. 87–106.
Dennett 1972 – Dennett D. C. Review of Lucas 1970 // Journal of Philosophy. 1972. Vol. 69. P. 527–31.
Dennett 1975 – Dennett D. C. Why the Law of Effect Will Not Go Away // Journal of the Theory of Social Behaviour. 1975. Vol. 5. P. 179–187. Статья переиздана в Dennett 1978.
Dennett 1978 – Dennett D. C. Brainstorms. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press/A Bradford Book, 1978.
Dennett 1980 – Dennett D. C. Passing the Buck to Biology // Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 1980. Vol. 3. P. 19.
Dennett 1981 – Dennett D. C. Three Kinds of Intentional Psychology // R. Healey, ed. Reduction, Time and Reality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981. P. 37–61.
Dennett 1983 – Dennett D. C. Intentional Systems in Cognitive Ethology. The «Panglossian Paradigm» Defended // Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 1983. Vol. 6. P. 343–390.
Dennett 1984 – Dennett D. C. Elbow Room: The Varieties of Free Will Worth Wanting. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1984.
Dennett 1985 – Dennett D. C. Can Machines Think? // M. Shafto, ed. How We Know. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1985. P. 121–145.
Dennett 1987a – Dennett D. C. The Logical Geography of Computational Approaches: A View from the East Pole // M. Brand, M. Harnish, eds. Problems in the Representation of Knowledge. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1987. P. 59–79.
Dennett 1987b – Dennett D. C. The Intentional Stance. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press; A Bradford Book, 1987.
Dennett 1988a – Dennett D. C. When Philosophers Encounter Artificial Intelligence // Daedalus. 1988. Vol. 117. P. 283–295.
Dennett 1988b – Dennett D. C. The Moral First Aid Manual // Sterling M. McMurrin, ed. Tanner Lectures on Human Values. Vol. VIII. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1988. P. 120–147.
Dennett 1989a – Dennett D. C. Review of Robert J. Richards 1987 // Philosophy of Science. 1989. Vol. 56. No. 3. P. 540–543.
Dennett 1989b – Dennett D. C. Murmurs in the Cathedral (отзыв на Penrose 1989) // Times Literary Supplement. 1989. September 26 – October 5. P. 1066–1068.
Dennett 1990a – Dennett D. C. Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks (комментарий к Schull 1990). Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 1990. Vol. 13. P. 76–77.
Dennett 1990b – Dennett D. C. The Interpretation of Texts, People, and Other Artifacts // Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. 1990. Vol. 50. P. 177–194.
Dennett 1990c – Dennett D. C. Memes and the Exploitation of Imagination // Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. 1990. Vol. 48. P. 127–135.
Dennett 1991a – Dennett D. C. Consciousness Explained. Boston: Little, Brown, 1991.
Dennett 1991b – Dennett D. C. Real Patterns // Journal of Philosophy. 1991. Vol. 87. P. 27–51.
Dennett 1991c – Dennett D. C. Granny’s Campaign for Safe Science // B. Loewer, G. Rey, eds. Meaning in Mind: Fodor and His Critics. Oxford: Blackwell, 1991. P. 87–94.
Dennett 1991d – Dennett D. C. The Brain and Its Boundaries (отзыв на McGinn 1991) // Times Literary Supplement. 1991. May 10 (исправления внесены в заметке от 24 мая, p. 29).
Dennett 1991e – Dennett D. C. Ways of Establishing Harmony // B. McLaughlin, ed. Dretske and His Critics. Oxford: Blackwell, 1991; та же статья с незначительными изменениями напечатана в: E. Villanueva, ed. Information, Semantics, and Epistemology, Sociedad Filosofica Ibero-Americana (Mexico) (Oxford: Blackwell).
Dennett 1992 – Dennett D. C. La Compréhension artisanale / French translation of «Do-It-Yourself Understanding» // Denis Fisette, ed. Daniel C. Dennett et les Stratégies Intentionnelles, Lekton. 1992. Vol. 11. Winter. P. 27–52.