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Книга От межколониальных конфликтов к битве империй. Англо-французское соперничество в Северной Америке в XVII - начале XVIII в. - Юрий Акимов

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Архив министерства иностранных дел Франции (Archives du ministere des affaires etrangeres)

Fonds anciens. Correspondance politique, Angleterre Fonds anciens. Memoires et documents, Amerique

Публичный архив Канады (Public Archives of Canada) Manuscript Group 5, A 1 — Correspondance politique, Angleterre Manuscript Group 5, В 1 — Memoires et documents, Amerique

Архив Квебекской семинарии (Archives du Seminaire de Quebec) Serie 2 — L'administration au Seminaire de Quebec (Sous-serie 2.1 — La correspondance precieuse)

Колониальный архив Франции (Archives des Colonies)

Serie В — Correspondance ministerielle et Ordres et Depeches du Roi. Lettres envoyees aux colonies

Serie CnA — Correspondance generale, Canada et dependances

Serie CnC — Correspondance generale, Terre-Neuve, lies de la Madelaine et Saint-Jean

Serie CnD — Correspondance generale, Acadie

Национальный Архив Франции (Archives nationales)

Serie F2 — Colonies

Serie F3 — Collection Moreau de Saint-Mery

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Публикации документов

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Acadia at the End of the Seventeenth Century: Letters, Journals and Memoirs of Joseph Robineau de Villebon, Commandant in Acadia, 1690-1700 / Ed. by J.C.Webster. St John, 1934.

Actes et memoires des negotiations de la paix de Ryswick: 2 t. La Haye, 1707.

Actes, memoires et autres pieces autentiques, concernant la Paix d'Utrecht. Depuis l’annee 1706 jusqu'a present: 6 vols. Utrecht, 1712-1715.

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Capt. John Mason the Founder of New Hampshire Including His Tract on Newfoundland, 1620; the American Charters in which He was a Grantee; with Letters and Other Historical Documents Together with a Memoir by Ch. W. Tuttle / Ed. by J. W. Dean. New York, 1887 (reprint 1967).

Collection de manuscrits contenant lettres, memoires et autres documents historiques relatifs a I'histoire de la Nouvelle-France, recueillis aux Archives de la Province de Quebec ou copies a l'etranger: 4 t. Quebec, 1883-1885.

Colonial Records of North Carolina: In 2 vols / Collected and ed. by W.L.Saunders. Raleigh, 1886.

Documentary History of the State of Maine: In 24 vols / Ed. by W. Willis et al. Portland, 1896-1916.

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Edward Randolph: Including his Letters and Official Papers from the New England, Middle and South Colonies in America, with Other Documents Relating Chiefly to the Vacating of the Royal Charter of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, 1676-1713: In 7 vols / Ed. by R. N. Toppan and A. Th. С Goodrich. Boston, 1899 (reprint — New York, 1967).

English Colonization of North America / Ed. by L.B.Wright and E.W. Fowler. New York, 1968.

English Historical Documents / Gen. Editor D. C. Douglas: In 12 vols. Vol. IX. American Colonial Documents to 1776 / Ed. by M. Jensen. New York, 1969.

European Treaties Bearing on the History of the United States and Its Dependencies: In 4 vols / Ed. by F.G.Davenport. Washington, 1917-1936.

Federal and State Constitutions, Colonial Charters and Other Organic Laws of the United States: In 2 Pts / Compiled under an Order of the United States Senate by B. P. Poore. Washington, 1877.

French Tradition in America / Ed. by Y. V. Zoltvany. New York; Evanston; London, 1969.

Histoire du Canada par les textes: 2 t. / Rev. et augm. par G. Fregault et M.Trudel. Montreal; Paris, 1963.

L'histoire canadienne a travers le document / Collection dirigee par M. Allard. Vol. 1: La Nouvelle France (1534-1713). Montreal, 1976.

Historical Collections Consisting of State Papers and Other Authentic Documents: In 2 vols / Ed. by E. Hazard. Philadelphia, 1792-1794.

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Letters of William III, and Louis XIV, and of Their Ministers; Illustrative of the Domestic and Foreign Policy of England from the Peace of Ryswick to the Accession of Philip V of Spain, 1697 to 1700: In 2 vols / Ed. by P. Grimblot. London, 1848.

Livingston Indian Records, 1666-1723 / Ed. by L. H. Leder. Gettysberg, 1956.

Memoires des Commissaires de Sa Majeste Tres-Chretienne et de ceux de Sa Majeste Britannique sur les possessions et les droit respectifs des deux Couronnes en Amerique: 3 t. Amsterdam, 1755.

Memoires et documents pour servir a l'histoire des origines francaises des pays d'Outre-Mer. Decouvertes et etablissements des Francais dans l'Ouest et dans le Sud de l'Amerique Septentrionale: 6 t. / Ed. par P. Margry. Paris, 1879-1888.

Narratives of Early Virginia, 1606-1625 / Ed. by L. G. Tylor. New York, 1959.

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