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Книга Дитрих Бонхеффер. Праведник мира против Третьего Рейха. Пастор, мученик, пророк, заговорщик - Эрик Метаксас

Читать книгу Дитрих Бонхеффер. Праведник мира против Третьего Рейха. Пастор, мученик, пророк, заговорщик - Эрик Метаксас полностью.






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475 Life Together; Prayerbook of the Bible, vol. 5, Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works, ed. Geffrey B. Kelly, trans. Daniel W. Bloesch (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2005), 143.

476 Life Together, 155–56.

477 Ibid.

478 Conspiracy and Imprisonment, 86.

479 Ibid., 87.

480 Дитрих Бонхёффер Эберхарду Бетге, Мюнхен, 29 ноября, 1940.

481 Conspiracy and Imprisonment, 106.

482 Ibid., 109–10.

483 Ibid., 96.

484 Ibid., 114.

485 Ibid., 113.

486 Ibid., 115.

487 Ibid., 128.

488 Ibid., 136.

489 Bethge, Dietrich Bonhoeffer: A Biography, 728.

490 Conspiracy and Imprisonment, 190.

491 Bethge, Dietrich Bonhoeffer: A Biography, 24.

492 Conspiracy and Imprisonment, 186.

Глава 24. Заговор против Гитлера

493 «Walther von Brauchitsch», Wikipedia,

494 Joachim Fest, Plotting Hitler’s Death: The German Resistance to Hitler, 1933–1945, trans. Bruce Little (New York: Metropolitan Books, 1996), 171.

495 Fest, Plotting Hitler’s Death, 175.

496 Ibid., 168.

497 Conspiracy and Imprisonment: 1940–1945, vol. 16, Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works, ed. Mark S. Brocker, trans. Lisa E. Dahill with Douglas W. Stott (New York: Fortress, 2006), 207–08.

498 Eberhard Bethge, Dietrich Bonhoeffer: A Biography, rev. ed. (Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2000), 703.

499 Bethge, Dietrich Bonhoeffer: A Biography, 704.

500 Ibid., 705.

501 Conspiracy and Imprisonment, 241.

502 Ibid., 244.

503 Ibid., 245.

504 Wolf-Dieter Zimmermann and Ronald G. Smith, eds., I Knew Dietrich Bonhoeffer, trans. Käthe Gregor Smith (New York: Harper and Row, 1966), 167–68.

505 Bethge, Dietrich Bonhoeffer: A Biography, 738.

506 Ibid., 740.

507 Mary Bosanquet, The Life and Death of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, (New York: Harper and Row, 1968), 229.

508 Fest, Plotting Hitler’s Death, 179.

509 Eberhard Bethge, Friendship and Resistance: Essays on Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1995), 54.

510 William l. Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1960), 861–64.

511 Hans B. Gisevius, To the Bitter End: An Insider’s Account of the Plot to Kill Hitler 1933–1944, trans. Richard Winston and Clara Winston (New York: Da Capo Press, 1998), 435.

Глава 25. Победа Бонхёффера

512 Conspiracy and Imprisonment: 1940–1945, vol. 16, Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works, ed. Mark S. Brocker, trans. Lisa E. Dahill with Douglas W. Stott (New York: Fortress, 2006), 267; Helmut von Moltke to his wife, April 15, 1942.

513 Eberhard Bethge, Dietrich Bonhoeffer: A Biography, rev. ed. (Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2000), 754.

514 Wolf-Dieter Zimmermann and Ronald G. Smith, eds., I Knew Dietrich Bonhoeffer, trans. Käthe Gregor Smith (New York: Harper and Row, 1966), 169–70.

515 Conspiracy and Imprisonment, 327.

516 Ibid., 322.

517 Ibid, p. 300; епископ Белл, дневниковые записи о встрече с Бонхёффером в Сигтуне.

518 Bethge, Dietrich Bonhoeffer: A Biography, 761.

519 Conspiracy and Imprisonment, 312–13.

520 Ibid., 311–12.

521 Ibid., 318.

522 Bethge, Dietrich Bonhoeffer: A Biography, 764.

523 Conspiracy and Imprisonment, 347–48.

524 Bethge, Dietrich Bonhoeffer: A Biography, 763.

525 Joachim Fest, Plotting Hitler’s Death: The German Resistance to Hitler, 1933–1945, trans. Bruce Little (New York: Metropolitan Books, 1996), 78–79.

526 Conspiracy and Imprisonment, 349.

Глава 26. Влюбленный Бонхёффер

527 Ruth-Alice von Bismarck and Ulrich Kabitz, eds. Love Letters from Cell 92: The Correspondence Between Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Maria Von Wedemeyer, 1943–1945, trans. John Brownjohn (New York: Abingdon Press, 1995), 330.

528 Bismarck and Kabitz, Love Letters from Cell 92, 291.

529 Ibid., 291–92.

530 Conspiracy and Imprisonment: 1940–1945, vol. 16, Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works, ed. Mark S. Brocker, trans. Lisa E. Dahill with Douglas W. Stott (New York: Fortress, 2006), 328.

531 Conspiracy and Imprisonment, 220–21.

532 Ibid., 329–30.

533 Bismarck and Kabitz, Love Letters from Cell 92, 298.

534 Conspiracy and Imprisonment, 350–51.

535 Ibid., 351–52.

536 Ibid., 331.

537 Ibid., 365.

538 Bismarck and Kabitz, Love Letters from Cell 92, 331–32.

539 Ibid., 332.

540 Ibid., 332–33.

541 Conspiracy and Imprisonment, 366–67.

542 Ibid., 369–70.

543 Ibid., 370–71.

544 Ibid., 373.

545 Ibid., 373–74.

546 Ibid., 374–75.

547 Ibid., 375.

548 Bismarck and Kabitz, Love Letters from Cell 92, 336.

549 Ibid., 337.

550 Ibid.

551 Ibid., 338–39.

552 Conspiracy and Imprisonment, 383–84.

553 Ibid., 386.

554 Ibid., 387.

555 Ibid., 390.

Глава 27. Убить Гитлера

556 Рут-Алис фон Бисмарк, интервью автору, Гамбург, Германия, март 2008.

557 Wolf-Dieter Zimmermann and Ronald G. Smith, eds., I Knew Dietrich Bonhoeffer, trans. Käthe Gregor Smith (New York: Harper and Row, 1966), 182.

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