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Боуэн (A. C. Bowen, The Art…): Alan C. Bowen, The Art of the Commander and the Emergence of Predictive Astronomy, in Science and Mathematics in Ancient Greek Culture, ed. C. J. Tuplin and T. E. Rihll, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002. – Гл. 2.

Боффи (P. M. Boffey, Higher Cost…): Philip M. Boffey, Higher Cost Predicted for Space Station, New York Times, July 7, 1987. – Гл. 8.

Браун (J. W. Brown, The Signal Corps…): J. Willard Brown, The Signal Corps, U. S. A. in the War of the Rebellion, Boston: US Veteran Signal Corps Association, 1896. – Гл. 4.

Браун (L. Brown, A Radar History…): Louis Brown, A Radar History of World War II: Technical and Military Imperatives, Bristol, UK, and Philadelphia, PA: Institute of Physics Publishing, 1999. – Гл. 5.

Браун (M. W. Browne, New Space Beacons…): Malcolm W. Browne, New Space Beacons Replace the Compass, New York Times, Nov. 8, 1988. – Гл. 8.

Браш (F. E. Brasch, John Winthrop): Frederick E. Brasch, John Winthrop (1714–1799), America’s First Astronomer, and the Science of His Period, Publ. Astr. Soc. Pacific 28:165, Aug.-Oct. 1916. – Гл. 4.

Бревин (В. Brewin, Pentagon Tweaked GPS Accuracy…): Bob Brewin, Pentagon Tweaked GPS Accuracy to Within Three Meters During Iraq War, Computerworld, June 24, 2003. – Гл. 8.

Брод (W. J. Broad, How the $8 Billion Space Station…): William J. Broad, How the $8 Billion Space Station Became a $120 Billion Showpiece, New York Times, June 10, 1990. – Гл. 8.

Брюгер (S. J. Bruger, Not Ready for «First Space War»): Steven J. Bruger, Not Ready for the «First Space War», What About the Second? – Operations Department, Naval War College, May 17, 1993. – Гл. 8.

Бутрика (A. J. Butrica, To See the Unseen): Andrew J. Butrica, To See the Unseen: A History of Planetary Radar Astronomy, NASA History Series: NASA SP-4218, Washington, DC: NASA, 1996. – Гл. 5.

Брэстед (J. Н. Breasted, The Beginnings of Time-Measurement..): James Henry Breasted, The Beginnings of Time-Measurement and the Origins of Our Calendar, Scientific Monthly 41:4, Oct. 1935. – Гл. 2.

Бут (M. Boot, The New American Way of War): Max Boot, The New American Way of War, Foreign Affairs 82:4, July-Aug. 2003. – Гл. 8.

Берроуз (W. E. Burrows, This New Ocean): William E. Burrows, This New Ocean: The Story of the First Space Age, New York: Random House, 1998. – Гл. 3, 7.

Бьяджоли (M. Biagioli, Did Galileo Copy the Telescope?): Mario Biagioli, Did Galileo Copy the Telescope? A «New» Letter by Paolo Sarpi, in The Origins of the Telescope, ed. Albert Van Helden, Sven Dupre, Rob van Gent, and Huib Zuidervaart, Amsterdam: KNAW Press/Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2010.– Гл. 4.

Бьяджоли (M. Biagioli, Galileo…): Mario Biagioli, Galileo the Emblem Maker, Isis 81:2, June 1990.– Гл. 2.

Вайнер (T. Weiner, Lies and Rigged «Star Wars» Test…): Tim Weiner, Lies and Rigged «Star Wars» Test Fooled the Kremlin, and Congress, New York Times, Aug. 18, 1993. – Гл. 7.

Вайнс (G. Vines, The Other Side of Ohthere): Gail Vines, The Other Side of Ohthere, New Scientist, June 28, 2008. – Гл. 3.

Ван Кревельд (M. van Creveld, Command in War): Martin van Creveld, Command in War, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1985. – Гл. 4.

Ван Кревельд (M. van Creveld, Technology and War…): M. van Creveld, Technology and War, From 2000 b.c. to the Present, rev. and exp., New York: The Free Press, 1991. – Гл. 4.

Ван Хелден (A. Van Helden, The Invention of the Telescope): Albert Van Helden, The Invention of the Telescope, Transac.Amer.Philosophical Society 67:4, June 1977. – Гл. 4.

Ван Хелден (A. Van Helden, Telescopes and Authority…): Albert Van Helden, Telescopes and Authority from Galileo to Cassini, Osiris, 2nd ser., 1994. – Гл. 4.

Ван Хелден (A. Van Helden, The Telescope in the Seventeenth Century): Albert Van Helden, The Telescope in the Seventeenth Century, Isis 65:1, Mar. 1974. – Гл. 4.

Вандерграфт (D. L. Vandegraft, Project Chariot): Douglas L. Vandegraft, Project Chariot: Nuclear Legacy of Cape Thompson, Proc.of the US Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee Workshop on Arctic Contamination, Session A: Native People’s Concerns about Arctic Contamination II: Ecological Impacts, May 6, 1993, Anchorage, Alaska. – Гл. 7.

Вестфолл (R. S. Westfall, Science…): Richard S. Westfall, Science and Patronage: Galileo and the Telescope, Isis 76:1, Mar. 1985. – Гл. 2, 4.

Вокулер (G. de Vaucouleurs, Astronomical Photography): Gerard de Vaucouleurs, Astronomical Photography: From the Daguerreotype to the Electron Camera, trans. R. Wright, New York: Macmillan, 1961. Русский перевод: Ж. Вокулер. Астрономическая фотография. М.: Наука, 1975. – Гл. 4.

Вонг (Е. Wong, China Launches Quantum Satellite…): Edward Wong, China Launches Quantum Satellite in Bid to Pioneer Secure Communications, New York Times, Aug. 16, 2016. – Гл. 8.

Вуд (R. D. Wood, The Daguerreotype Patent…): R. Derek Wood, The Daguerreotype Patent, the British Government, and the Royal Society, History of Photography 4:1, Jan. 1980. – Гл. 4.

Галлахер (E. J. Gallagher, History on Trial): Edward J. Gallagher, «History on Trial: The Enola Gay Controversy», Lehigh University. – Гл. 4.

Галлахер и Штайнбрунер (N. Gallagher and J. D. Steinbruner, Reconsidering the Rules…): Nancy Gallagher and John D. Steinbruner, Reconsidering the Rules for Space Security, Cambridge, MA: American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2008. – Гл. 7.

Ган Дэн (Gang Deng, Chinese Maritime Activities…): Gang Deng, Chinese Maritime Activities and Socioeconomic Development, c. 2100 bc-1900 ad: Contributions in Economics and Economic History 188, Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1997. – Гл. 2, 3.

Гарсия Морено (L. A. Garcia Moreno, Atlantic Seafaring…): Luis A. Garcia Moreno, Atlantic Seafaring and the Iberian Peninsula in Antiquity, Mediterranean Studies 8, 1999. – Гл. 3.

Гензлинджер (N. Genzlinger, Same Cuba Crisis, Different Angles): Neil Genzlinger, Same Cuba Crisis, Different Angles: 50 Years Later – Cuban Missile Crisis Revisited on PBS, New York Times, Oct. 22, 2012. – Гл. 7.

Герович (S. Gerovitch, Stalin’s Rocket Designers» Leap into Space): Slava Gerovitch, Stalin’s Rocket Designers» Leap into Space: The Technical Intelligentsia Faces the Thaw, Osiris 23:1, 2008. – Гл. 7.

Геродот. История в девяти книгах. Л.: Наука, 1972. Перевод и примечания Г. А. Стратановского, под общей редакцией С. Л. Утченко. – Гл. 2.

Гершель (W. Herschel, Investigation…): William Herschel, Investigation of the Powers of the prismatic Colours, to heat and illuminate Objects; with Remarks, that prove the different Refrangibility of radiant Heat…, Philosophical Transac. Royal Society 90, 1800. – Гл. 5.

Гиббон (W. В. Gibbon, Asiatic Parallels…): William B. Gibbon, Asiatic Parallels in North American Star Lore: Ursa Major, J. Amer. Folklore 77:305, July-Sept. 1964. – Гл. 3.

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