Книга Природа зла. Сырье и государство - Александр Эткинд
Глава 4. Наслаждения оптом
О соли: S. A. M. Adshead Salt and Civilization; Hocquet J.-C. Le sel et la fortune de Venise (2 vol., Presses Lille III, 1978–1979). Le sel et le pouvoir: de l’an mil à la Révolution française (Albin Michel, 1985); Crouzet-Pavan E. Venice Triumphant: The Horizons of a Myth. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002;
о габели: Chanel G. Taxation as a Cause of the French Revolution: Setting the Record Straight // Studia Historica Gedanensia. 2015. Vol. VI;
о табаке: Breen S. H., T. H. Tobacco Culture: the Mentality of the Great Tidewater Planters on the Eve of Revolution. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1985;
главное o сахаре: Mintz S. Sweetness and Power: The Place of Sugar in Modern History. New York: Penguin, 1986; Williams E. Capitalism and Slavery. University of North Carolina Press, 1994; Yarrington J. M. Sucre indigène and sucre colonial: Reconsidering the splitting of the French national sugar market, 1800–1860 // Economic Anthropology. 2018. Vol. 5. № 1;
o шоколаде: Gordon B. Chocolate: History, Culture and Heritage. Wiley. 2008; Moss S. Alexander Badenoch. Chocolate: A Global History. London: Reaktion, 2009;
o Бентаме: Эткинд А. Внутренняя колонизация; Benthamiana: Select Extracts from the Works of Jeremy Bentham. Edinburgh: William Tate, 1818;
o Гегеле и Гаити: Back-Morss S. Hegel, Haiti and Universal History. University of Pittsburgh Press, 2009;
oб опиуме: Trocki C. Opium, Empire and the Global Political Economy: A Study of the Asian Opium Trade 1750–1950. London: Routledge, 1999; Clingingsmith D. Jeffrey G. Williamson. India’s De-Industrialization Under British Rule: New Ideas, New Evidence, 2004. https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/6930649.pdf; Pomeranz K., Topik S. The World that Trade Created. Sharp, 2006; Findlay and O’Roiurke. Power and Plenty; Amar Farooqui. Smuggling as Subversion: Colonialism, Indian Merchants, and the Politics of Opium. New Delhi, 1998;
o сестре Гладстона: Isba A. Gladstone and Women. New York: Continuum, 2006;
о мягких наркотиках в истории: Hobsbaum. Industry and Empire. New York: Pinguin, 1999; Sahlins M. The Sadness of Sweetness: The Native Anthropology of Western Cosmology // Current Anthropology. 1996. 37. P. 395–428; Pomeranz K., Topik S. The World that Trade Created. Sharp, 2006. P. 71;
o сахаре, зерне и женщинах: Струве П. Крепостное хозяйство. М., 1913. C. 41; Sombart W. Luxury and Capitalism. University of Michigan Press, 1967.
Глава 5. Переплетения волокон
О шелке: Mola L. The Silk Industry of Renaissance Venice. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore; London, 2000; Rezakhani Kh. The Road That Never Was: The Silk Road and Trans-Eurasian Exchange // Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East. 2010. Vol. 30. № 3; Classen C. The Deepest Sense. A Cultural History of Touch. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2012;
o крымском шелке: https://chudesamag.ru/neobyichnoe-ryadom/kryimskiy-kokon.html;
главное о конопле: Crosby A. America, Russia, Hemp, and Napoleon: American Trade with Russia and the Baltic, 1793–1812. Ohio State University Press, 1965;
о балтийской торговле: Małowist M. Poland, Russia and Western Trade in the 15th and 16th Centuries // Past & Present. 1958. № 13 (Apr.). P. 26–41;
об английских планах в Белом море: Green C. R. John Dee, King Arthur, and the Conquest of the Arctic // Heroic Age. 2012. October 15; Любименко И. Английский проект 1612 г. о подчинении русского севера протекторату короля Иакова I // Научный исторический журнал. 1914. № 5. С. 1–16; Солодкин Р. Я. Проект установления английского протектората на севере России в отечественной историографии // Вестник Тюменского государственного университета. 2012. 2; Dunning Ch. James I, the Russia Company, and the Plan to Establish a Protectorate over North Russia // Albion. 1989. Vol. 21. № 2 (Summer). P. 206–226;
о беломорской торговле с Англией: Rutherfurd J. The Importance of the Colonies to Great Britain. With Some Hints Towards Making Improvements to their Mutual Advantage: And Upon Trade in General. London: J. Millan, 1761; Kaplan H.H. Russian Overseas Commerce with Great Britain during the Reign of Catherine II / Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 218, 1995;
о русском экспорте: Кулишер И. М. История русской торговли (1922). М.: Социум, 2016, С.227; Тенгоборский Л. В. О производительных силах России. Москва: Унив. тип., 1854–1858;
об испанской шерсти и Месте: Klein J. The Mesta. A Study in Spanish Economic History, 1273–1836. Harvard University Press, 1912; Phillips C. R., William D. Phillips, Jr. Spain’s Golden Fleece: Wool Production and the Wool Trade from the Middle Ages to the Nineteenth Century. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997; William D. Phillips, Jr., Phillips C. R. Spanish Wool and Dutch Rebels: The Middelburg Incident of 1574 // The American Historical Review. 1977. Vol. 82. № 2 (Apr.). P. 312–330;
об испанском меркантилизме: Mahoney J. Colonialism and Postcolonial Development. Spanish America in Comparative Perspective. Cambridge University Press, 2010;
о Джефферсоне-землевладельце: Albertone M. National Identity and the Agrarian Republic. London: Ashgate, 2014
об огораживаниях и английской шерсти: Polanyi K. The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time. London: Beacon, 2002; Hentschell R. The Culture of Cloth in Early Modern England. Textual Constructions of National Identity. London: Ashgate, 2008; Berg M. Luxury and Pleasure in Eighteen-Century Britain. Oxford, 2005;
о хлопке: Riello G. Cotton: The Fabric that Made the Modern World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013; Beckert S. Empire of Cotton. A New History of Global Capitalism. New York: Vantage, 2015; Pomerantz. The Great Divergence: China, Europe, and the Making of the Modern World Economy. Princeton University Press, 2000; Williams E. Capitalism and Slavery. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1994;
о среднеазиатском хлопке и подмосковной переработке: Obertreis J. Imperial Desert Dreams. Cotton Growing and Irrigation in Central Asia. 1860–1991. Gottingen, 2017; Село Иваново // Журнал Министерства внутренних дел. 1844. P. 132–136; Столбов В. П. «Капиталистые» крестьяне-старообрядцы и их влияние на развитие промышленного Иваново-Вознесенского района в XVIII–XIX вв. http://yakov.works/history/18/3/stolbov.htm; Allen D. Farm to Factory, A Reinterpretation of the Soviet Industrial Revolution. Princeton University Press, 2003.
Глава 6. Череда металлов
О бронзовом веке: Childe V. G. Man Makes Himself. Bradford, 1936; Drews R. The End of the Bronze Age: Changes in warfare and the Catastrophe ca. 1200 BC. Princeton University Press, 1993; Goody J. Metals, Culture and Capitalism: An Essay on the Origins of the Modern World. Cambridge University Press, 2002;