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40. Sabom, Recollections of Death.

41. M. M. Ghoneim and R. I. Block, “Learning and Memory During General Anaesthesia: An Update,” Anesthesiology 87 (1997): 387–410.

42. О пациентах под общим наркозом, см.: E. R. John et al., “Invariant Reversible QEEG Effects of Anesthetics,” Consciousness and Cognition 10 (2001): 165–183. Об исследованиях с применением фМРТ для пациентов в коме, см.: S. Laureys et al., “Brain Function in the Vegetative State,” в кн.: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 550: Brain Death and Disorders of Consciousness, ed. C. Machado and D. A. Shewmon, 229–238 (New York: Kluwer/Plenum, 2004). См. также: Kelly and Kelly, Irreducible Mind, 367–421.

43. D. B. Cheek, “Unconscious Perception of Meaningful Sounds During Surgical Anaesthesia as Revealed Under Hypnosis,” American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis 1 (1959): 101–113.

44. Kelly and Kelly, Irreducible Mind.

45. Blackmore, Dying to Live.

46. Kelly and Kelly, Irreducible Mind.

47. B. Greyson, J. M. Holden, and J. P. Mounsey, “Failure to Elicit Near-Death Experiences in Induced Cardiac Arrest,” Journal of Near-Death Studies 25, no. 2 (2006): 85–98.

48. J. C. Saavedra-Aguilar and J. S. Gómez-Jeria, “A Neurobiological Model for Near-Death Experiences,” Journal of Near-Death Studies 7 (1989): 205–222.

Глава 7. Нидерландское исследование околосмертного опыта

1. Эти факты подтверждены в исследовании пациентов-сердечников, проведенном Шванингером и его коллегами: J. Schwaninger et al., “A Prospective Analysis of Near-Death Experiences in Cardiac Arrest Patients,” Journal of Near-Death Studies 20 (2002): 215–232. В их исследованиях ОСО у пациентов с остановкой сердца, сравнимых с нашим исследованием, участвовало 174 реанимированных пациента, из которых 119 человек (68 %) умерли. Из выживших 55 пациентов лишь 30 (17 %) удалось расспросить. У остальных 25 пациентов был диагностирован необратимый ущерб, нанесенный мозгу к моменту запланированного собеседования. Еще одно исследование провели Парниа, Фенвик и другие: S. Parnia et al., “A Qualitative and Quantitative Study of the Incidence, Features and Aetiology of Near Death Experience in Cardiac Arrest Survivors,” Resuscitation 48 (2001): 149–156. В это исследование были включены 220 пациентов с остановкой сердца, исследование имело продолжительность более года; из этих пациентов 62 % умерло и лишь 63 пациента (28 %) удалось расспросить.

2. R. F. Hoffman, “Disclosure Habits After Near-Death Experience: Influences, Obstacles and Listeners Selection,” Journal of Near-Death Studies 14 (1995): 29–48.

3. K. Ring, Heading Toward Omega: In Search of the Meaning of the Near-Death Experience (New York: William Morrow, 1984).

4. P. van Lommel et al., “Near-Death Experiences in Survivors of Cardiac Arrest: A Prospective Study in the Netherlands,” Lancet 358 (2001): 2039–2045.

5. M. J. Sauve et al., “Patterns of Cognitive Recovery in Sudden Cardiac Arrest Survivors: The Pilot Study,” Heart Lung 25, no. 3 (1996): 172–181.

6. B. Greyson, “Incidence and Correlates of Near-Death Experiences in a Cardiac Care Unit,” General Hospital Psychiatry 25 (2003): 269–276.

7. Hoffman, “Disclosure Habits.”

8. Ring, Heading Toward Omega.

9. Американское исследование – Greyson, “Incidence and Correlates”; британское – Parnia et al., “Cardiac Arrest Survivors”; см. также: P. Sartori, “The Incidence and Phenomenology of Near-Death Experiences,” Network Review (Scientific and Medical Network) 90 (2006): 23–25.

10. Greyson, “Incidence and Correlates.”

11. Parnia et al, “Cardiac Arrest Survivors.”

12. M. B. Sabom, Recollections of Death: A Medical Investigation (New York: Harper & Row, 1982).

13. P. Sartori, P. Badham, and P. Fenwick, “A Prospectively Studied Near-Death Experience with Corroborated Out-of-Body Perception and Unexplained Healing,” Journal of Near-Death Studies 25, no. 2 (2006): 69–84.

Глава 8. Что происходит в мозге при внезапной остановке сердца?

1. P. van Lommel et al., “Near-Death Experiences in Survivors of Cardiac Arrest: A Prospective Study in the Netherlands,” Lancet 358 (2001): 2044.

2. B. Greyson, “Incidence and Correlates of Near-Death Experiences in a Cardiac Care Unit,” General Hospital Psychiatry 25 (2003): 275.

3. S. Parnia et al., “A Qualitative and Quantitative Study of the Incidence, Features and Aetiology of Near-Death Experiences in Cardiac Arrest Survivors,” Resuscitation 48 (2001): 151.

4. P. Sartori, “The Incidence and Phenomenology of Near-Death Experiences,” Network Review (Scientific and Medical Network) 90 (2006): 23–25.

5. S. Parnia and P. Fenwick, “Near-Death Experiences in Cardiac Arrest: Visions of a Dying Brain or Visions of a New Science of Consciousness. Review article,” Resuscitation 52 (2002): 5–11.

6. K. T. Gopalan et al., “Cerebral Blood Flow Velocity During Repeatedly Induced Ventricular Fibrillation,” Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 11, no. 4 (1999): 290–295.

7. J. Mayer and T. Marx, “The Pathogenesis of EEG Changes During Cerebral Anoxia,” в кн.: Cardiac and Vascular Diseases/Handbook of Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, ed. J. H. A. van der Drift (Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1972), vol. 14A, pt. A, pp. 5–11.

8. Parnia and Fenwick, “Near-Death Experiences in Cardiac Arrest”; J. W. de Vries et al., “Changes in Cerebral Oxygen Uptake and Cerebral Electrical Activity During Defibrillation Threshold Testing,” Anesthesia Analgesia 87 (1998): 16–20; H. Clute and W. J. Levy, “Electroencephalographic Changes During Brief Cardiac Arrest in Humans,” Anesthesiology 73 (1990): 821–825; T. J. Losasso et al., “Electroencephalographic Monitoring of Cerebral Function During Asystole and Successful Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation,” Anesthesia Analgesia 75 (1992): 12–19.

9. N. M. Branston et al., “Comparison of the Effects of Ischaemia on Early Components of the Somatosensory Evoked Potential in Brainstem, Thalamus, and Cerebral Cortex,” Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow Metabolism 4, no. 1 (1984): 68–81; J. Gua, J. A. White, and H. H. Batjer, “Limited Protective Effects of Etomidate During Brainstem Ischemia in Dogs,” Journal of Neurosurgery 82, no. 2 (1995): 278–284.

10. D. S. Smith et al., “Reperfusion Hyperoxia in the Brain After Circulatory Arrest in Humans,” Anesthesiology 73 (1990): 12–19.

11. Mayer and Marx, “Cerebral Anoxia”; G. Buunk, J. G. van der Hoeven, and A. E. Meinders, “Cerebral Blood Flow After Cardiac Arrest,” Netherlands Journal of Medicine 57 (2000): 106–112; Losasso et al., “Electroencephalographic Monitoring.”

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