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Книга Теория шести рукопожатий - Крэйг Браун

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Feet of Clay: A Study of Gurus by Anthony Storr (HarperCollins 1997)

21) Георгий Гурджиев + Фрэнк Ллойд Райт, 1934

Frank Lloyd Wright: A Biography by Meryle Secrest (Chatto and Windus 1992)

Gurdjieff: The Anatomy of a Myth by James Moore (Element Books 1991)

Many Masks: A Life of Frank Lloyd Wright by Brendan Gill (Heinemann 1988)

‘Gurdjieff at Taliesin’ by Frank Lloyd Wright, article in the Capitol Times, Madison, Wisconsin, August 26th 1934

22) Фрэнк Ллойд Райт + Мэрилин Монро, 1957

‘Frank Lloyd Wright: Architecture Design Style’ by Robert Green, Wall Street Journal April 19th 2007

Timebends by Arthur Miller (Methuen 1988)

The Genius and the Goddess by Jeffrey Meyers (Hutchinson 2009)

Many Masks: A Life of Frank Lloyd Wright by Brendan Gill (Heinemann 1988)

23) Мэрилин Монро + Никита Хрущев, 1959

K Blows Top by Peter Carlson (Public Affairs Books 2010)

Timebends by Arthur Miller (Methuen 1988)

The Genius and the Goddess by Jeffrey Meyers (Hutchinson 2009)

Monroe Confidential by Lena Pepitone and William Stadiem (Pocket Books 1980)

Spectator July 3rd 2010

24) Никита Хрущев + Джордж Браун, 1956

Khrushchev: A Political Life by William Thomson (St Martin’s Press 1995)

Khrushchev: The Man and his Era by William Taubman (W.W. Norton 2003)

Tired and Emotional: The Life of Lord George Brown by Peter Paterson (Chatto and Windus 1993)

In My Way by George Brown (Victor Gollancz 1971)

The Diaries and Letters of Harold Nicolson, Volume III: The Later Years, 1945–1962 edited by Nigel Nicolson (Atheneum 1968)

The Labour Government, 1964–70: A Personal Record by Harold Wilson (Weidenfeld and Nicolson 1971)

The Macmillan Diaries, Volume II edited by Peter Catterall (Macmillan 2011)

25) Джордж Браун + Илай Уоллак, 1963

Tired and Emotional: The Life of Lord George Brown by Peter Paterson (Chatto and Windus 1993)

The Diaries of a Cabinet Minister by Richard Crossman (Hamish Hamilton 1978)

1963: Five Hundred Days by John Lawton (Hodder and Stoughton 1992)

In My Way by George Brown (Victor Gollancz 1971)

26) Илай Уоллак + Фрэнк Синатра, 1974

The Good, the Bad and Me: In My Anecdotage by Eli Wallach (Harcourt 2005)

‘The Godfather Wars’ by Mark Seal, Vanity Fair March 2009 Sinatra: The Life by Anthony Summers and Robbyn Swan (Doubleday 2005)

His Way: The Unauthorized Biography of Frank Sinatra by Kitty Kelley (Bantam Press 1986)

Eli Wallach in conversation with Niall Macpherson, National Film Theatre, October 10th 2007 (BFIarchive) Letter from Victor Gold, Vanity Fair May 2009

27) Фрэнк Синатра + Доминик Данн, 1966

Dominick Dunne: After the Party (documentary DVD)

New York Daily News Sinatra: The Life by Anthony Summers and Robbyn Swan (Doubleday 2005)

Jim Morrison: Life, Death, Legend by Stephen Davis (Gotham 2004)

28) Доминик Данн + Фил Спектор, 2007

Различные статьи Доминика Данна, Vanity Fair

Tearing Down the Wall of Sound: The Rise and Fall of Phil Spector by Mick Brown (Bloomsbury 2007)

29) Фил Спектор + Леонард Коэн, 1977

Tearing Down the Wall of Sound: The Rise and Fall of Phil Spector by Mick Brown (Bloomsbury 2007)

Awopbopaloobop Alopbamboom by Nik Cohn (Paladin 1970)

BBC News website


30) Леонард Коэн + Дженис Джоплин, 1967

Various Positions: A Life of Leonard Cohen by Ira B. Nadel (Bloomsbury 1996)

Leonard Cohen by Stephen Scobie (Douglas and MacIntyre 1978)

At the Chelsea by Florence Turner (Hamish Hamilton 1986)

Love, Janis by Laura Joplin (Villard 1992)

Scars of Sweet Paradise: The Life and Times of Janis Joplin by Alice Echols (Virago 1999)

Going Down with Janis by Peggy Caserta (Dell 1974)

Songwriters on Songwriting by Paul Zollo (Da Capo Press 1997)

31) Дженис Джоплин + Патти Смит, 1970

Just Kids by Patti Smith (Bloomsbury 2010)

At the Chelsea by Florence Turner (Hamish Hamilton 1986)

Interview with Patti Smith by Jeffrey Brown, PBS Newshour December 2010

32) Патти Смит + Аллен Гинзберг, 1969

Ginsberg: A Biography by Barry Miles (Viking 1989)

Just Kids by Patti Smith (Bloomsbury 2010)

Obituary of Allen Ginsberg by James Campbell, Independent April 7th 1997

Obituary of Allen Ginsberg, Daily Telegraph April 7th 1997

33) Аллен Гинзберг + Фрэнсис Бэкон, 1957

Profile of Francis Bacon, BBC Arena 1986

‘Bacon Agonistes’ by John Richardson, New York Review of Books December 17th 2009

Francis Bacon: Anatomy of an Enigma by Michael Peppiatt (Weidenfeld and Nicolson 1998)

The Gilded Gutter Life of Francis Bacon by Daniel Farson (Century 1993)

Ginsberg: A Biography by Barry Miles (Viking 1989)

Literary Outlaw: The Life and Times of William Burroughs by Ted Morgan (Bodley Head 1991)

The Penguin Book of the Beats edited by Ann Charters (Penguin 1992)

34) Фрэнсис Бэкон + принцесса Маргарет, 1977

The Rise and Fall of the House of Windsor by A.N. Wilson (Sinclair-Stevenson 1993)

The Gilded Gutter Life of Francis Bacon by Daniel Farson (Century 1993)

Princess Margaret: A Life Unravelled by Tim Heald (Weidenfeld and Nicolson 2007)

Princess Margaret: A Life of Contrasts by Christopher Warwick (Andre Deutsch 2000)

Adventures of a Gentleman’s Gentleman by Guy Hunting (John Blake 2002)

Man with a Blue Scarf: On Sitting for a Portrait by Lucian Freud by Martin Gayford (Thames and Hudson 2010)

‘Francis Bacon 1909–1992’ by Caroline Blackwood, New York Review of Books September 24th 1992

35) Принцесса Маргарет + Кеннет Тайнан, 1968

The Life of Kenneth Tynan by Kathleen Tynan (Phoenix 1988)

Princess Margaret: A Life Unravelled by Tim Heald (Weidenfeld and Nicolson 2007)

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